Amendola doesn't look washed up to me

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Was that Will Harris on the coverage?

Dunno, but I thought Harris was faster than Danny but DA blew right by him.

It does look like #25 tho.

That was a subtle but convincing hesitation step, then burst. Everyone is gonna get suckered that.

Yeah…Danny hit him with a hesi…and accelerated right by him.

Will looked like he was thinking the route was going to go out…and it never did.

Yep he got burnt by M. Jones too.

Amendola shows why good route running beats speed everyday.

Yeah, DA still has some quicks though and I didn’t notice until now but at 7-8 yards he kind of gives Harris an extra lift of his right knee to make it look like he was going to plant it to turn, it’s very quick and subtle but if you’re a defender it’s those little nuances that you’re looking at to get a jump on the out and that was enough to allow DA to run by Harris, that’s a veteran move that you need quick feet to pull off, it was beautiful. I can’t even fault Harris on that one.

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Amendola is a wily veteran. Guys like that are worth keeping on the team because they know how to play.

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exactly why i’m excited to see what cephus can do. if you’re a great route runner and can make contested catches in the nfl you can have a very long career. i’d love to see him become the second coming of bolden. especially if his run blocking is as good as they say.

I’d be happy with a Wes Welker.

The Lions are due to find a diamond in the rough. He could be just what our offense needs.

brother i’d be good with either of those. just like i’d love to see jahlani tavai become the next deandre levy. i’m not sure he has anywhere near the coverage ability of levy but i can hope. lol

Wes seems like an odd comparison, just because Wes is like 5’9" and Quintez is 6’1". But both ran slow 40’s but I get ya, just would like one of these low round WR’s to work out for once.

They’re both slow possession receiver types who fight for the ball. Wes was a better route runner but when he first came out he was similar to Cephus in route running ability. He really worked to improve it. I’m hoping Cephus takes the same path.

Wes is like Amendola, short and quick as lightning, Cephus isn’t as much…but has more body. His game is a little different but can be just as effective, just different.
Again, would love to see him find his niche’.

One thing that intrigues me about Wisconsin WR’s is that they’re potential seems untapped…but then I wonder why any decent WR would go to Wisconsin as well. It’s not really the best road to the NFL or showcasing what you can do…well, other than block for the run game.