Antonio Brown makes his debut today; drawing interest

This made me chortle.


The Big Lebowski Film GIF by The Good Films


It’s sad watching this. Antonio brown needs to get help. I feel like he’s 10 years away from being homeless or in prison. Possibly even dead.


Yea, wasn’t trying to pile on by sharing the link, it was just new info. Dude needs some help for sure.


I feel like one day we will read a headline like-

Former NFL Star Wide Receiver Eaten by Space Alpacas after Storming Area 51 in a Drag Race Motorcycle.

Space Alpaca interpreter, Major Clarence Burlington was quoted- “They don’t appreciate being called Fuzzy Midget Giraffes and they REALLY don’t like being ridden for jousting… Mr. Brown apparently startled them while they were demostrating zero point energy generation and things just got weird, fast.”

I can’t help rooting for this guy. Intense? Yes, in spades. Bad? no.

that guy looks like what Dan would have been if Dan was into weed.

Stiffs people everywhere not bad? Ok. Someone stiffs you on 4 figures of work, what do you think of them? 5 figures of child support (33K)? 1.2M judgment for beating your ass after you complain he stiffed you for the bill for the move you made of his belongings from his FL house? Hows about $1M in jewelry he didn’t pay for? Not paying the players and coached of his Arena Football Team!!!

Thats’ just 4 seconds of googling…

Cmon man.

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Yeah past few years he’s really gone downhill it seems.

Especially the way he treated Tom Brady & Giselle after they took him in when the rest of the world was turning their back on him

That wasn’t the guy I met few years ago

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(Been saving this one for awhile)

Remember Henry Ruggs III?

The guy who runs his jalopy 141 mph down a city street DRUNK OFF HIS ASS, and launches a woman and her dog INTO ORBIT, who both die screaming from being burned alive and trapped in the twisted wreck of her Rav4 that the FD cant even cut her out of?

That guy? Who off course was barely hurt.

Who then was somehow just recently then Very Quickly MemoryHoled sentenced to only 3 to 8 years in prison for a grisly murder??? That guy?

He was at Top Golf getting LIT before he killed that woman…annnnnnd, just to confirm what a dirtpig he is…here’s his tab. Reminder, he’s a multimillionaire cash in hand.

$400+ tab.

$8 tip, and you know that server was running her ass off with that many drinks and them being destroyed drunk.

Can you get shanked in prison for burning people and dogs alive? For being a 2% tipper as a millionaire?

Guess we’ll find out.

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People change, especially with dain bramage, i get it.

But, its like drinking and drugs to me. I see people that are good, they get drunk and they just dont start sacrificing children to Satan…and I see jackasses get drunk/drugged and they become bigger jackasses.

Deep down comes out, it doesn’t shift.


I completely agree. It’s easy to
Blame CTE or drugs or alcohol.
Society always looking for an excuse, I get it.

Just sad to see, especially when someone was as cool & kind from what I seen in my reality.

Can’t say it’s the first time either. I actually met Suge Knight in Las Vegas lol him and his entourage like a gang. He cracked a few jokes as we were waiting for valet… I thought wow he was actually funny and kinda nice.

Shortly after he ran over some dude with his car and is doing like 40 years or some shit

Soooo :man_shrugging:t2:

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He killed 2 people and can be out in 3 years!? WTF?

Oh, my bad, it was 156mph and it’s 3 to 10 years, so good behavior he gets out in less than three, with credit for time served he may be ready for the 24 playoffs!

That is just terrible. Gotta feel for the families and of course the 2 innocent people that died.

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He probalby thought that was 20%

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One thing would be nice though. Does Ruggs $$$ go straight to the Tintor family? Any past, current, future earnings should go this direction. But I live in a dream world.

Shocked John Diggle GIF by The Paley Center for Media

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If they have sued him in civil court, then they may have a judgment.

Which are easy to duck in many ways.

I mean, the Lions had a judgment on Smokey McDumbass for his signing bonus. Doubt they ever got paid while he was alive or from his estate, which was probably 4 cans of tuna and a honolulu blue bong


Unfortunately, it’s my belief that Burfuct hit was more than what it seems. I think it permanently screwed him up, and sadly, I’m expecting the day when I read that he isn’t with us any longer. I’m not sure there’s any help for him, I believe there’s brain damage and he should probably have a conservator.