Antonio Brown makes his debut today; drawing interest

Antonio Brown is planning to make his debut today for an arena football league, but if his agent is to be believed, it won’t be long until the wideout is taking the field for an NFL squad. Agent JR Rickert told Cody Benjamin of CBS Sports that Brown is generating interest around the league.

“He is exploring the right fit,” his agent said earlier this week. Rickert also described the interest as “genuine.”

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The right fit?



I’ve met Antonio, he’s a solid dude. Beats to his own drum. Down to Earth.

That Burfuct hit definitely shook him …he needs to get off social media and stop talking sh*t and focus on therapy and getting back to be the super star he once was


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Have you been watching Jahvid Best highlights again @Snags ?


The Burfict hit isn’t why one of the top high school players in Miami, Florida takes a winding road that lands him at Central Michigan. And he was lucky to get that opportunity. Antonio has an “extreme” personality. He operates on a different wavelength than the rest of us. The upside is something a teammate once said about him, “Antonio comes out to every practice like its the Super Bowl.” As Lions fans might remember, Antonio shredded Darius Slay in joint practices. But he didn’t “get motivated” for that joint practice. That was who Antonio Brown is every day. And if there isn’t football or a joint practice to channel his energy into, it gets channeled somewhere else. And that isn’t always a healthy place.

Going back to the football aspect of Antonio’s personality, and the comment his teammate made. Everything you say to him needs to be approached with the same seriousness as if you are saying it to him on Super Bowl Sunday.


Wasn’t he the guy that did that thing once ?

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Now take all what you said about him and factor in a destroying hit that was guaranteed CTE instantly lol. Not a good combo.

What you say is correct, he’s still like a kid in a sense, his face lights up ear to ear if you bring up central western weekend

To Peabody’s point, AB has always had a screw loose.

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Insane in The Membrane !


Interesting choice of shoes

As far as I have read, Antonio never played. His physical wasn’t completed in time.

Give it time for AB

In about 10 years we will send him to North Korea to negotiate on behalf of the USA :us:


Why would a Chip get happy about that?

You dont see the baby seal get all geeked about the whaler’s mate w/ the club…


Put full blame on the smaaat-ice guy in the room. Selling the “Albany Empire” to a known mental case with a shitload of financial woe. What could possibly go wrong?

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How about ten minutes and rod will fly with him

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…cuz sports Mecca of the Universe…duuuh?


Beer-pong and STD roulette are not sports.