Anyone here going to Lions @ Dallas?

I’m considering it.

I’d rather not brave the elements in Chicago. If someone wants to fly down with me, give me a shout. Can’t guarantee it’ll happen, but wife hasn’t said no.

If the cowgirls win Sunday i think i will go. It will be cheaper than lions/cowgirls for NFC championship.

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Since the league hasn’t dealt with the Dom situation

I plan to go and sneak my way onto the sideline and goad Micah into fighting me so he’s booted from the game.

Scratch that. They’re onto me

I mean I want to. I probably won’t.

I thought about it but I’m going to Mexico a week later and I’m flying there in a group.

Had I thought more about it up front I could have just went to Dallas and stayed there on a mini vacation and done some fishing before having to go back to work on a trip to Cancun for a work convention.

Life is hard.

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