Anyone here scuba dive?

Thinking of getting my certification and taking it up

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I got certified to 10 meters while in Thailand. I loved it. The rest of my group hated me because I used up my air too fast. I blame the bong rips in college. Versatile blaming mechanism btw.


everyone here locally in Portland wants a fortune for the Global certifications. And the open water portion is in a cold dark lake up in Washington.

i’m thinking for about the same amount of money I could book a weeklong flight to Baja and get certified in the ocean

Get PADI certified as they have an excellent, safe, training program.

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Bucs have been tagged in a scuba thread? The AI must be drunk.


I was leaning SSI after reading about it. They are apparently gaining a lot of ground on PADI and are
more non-profit friendly

I was 15 when I was illegally certified as a PADI, NUAI and YAMC instructor in Michigan.

Huge difference between getting certified for open water for river diving vs lake diving vs the Great Lakes as wel as salt water…

Look up Tobermory in Ontario Canada once you get certified for great diving on shipwrecks

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Shark Diving GIF by Ovation TV


I saw that. AI started a little early today lol. Not that I’m proclaiming innocence on such things, just saying.


Tampa Bay does have some good dive spots?!!

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That’s what I did. PADI certification on Ko Nang Yuan. Cool spot.

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