Are the Lions going to trade Swift during the Draft?

I don’t think the Lions are giving Swift a 2nd contract. They have visited with quite a few RB’s before the draft and signed Montgomery. I think they are looking to draft Swift’s replacement. With that being said what is his worth? I don’t us getting a “high” pick for him. I love Swift, he is electric and fun to watch but he has questionable- at best vision and is always hurt. What say you?

I’d be surprised we trade him. I expect he plays out the contract and is likely gone next year. Hopefully he has a big year, we might get a comp pick.


Wouldn’t you rather get something guaranteed in return than to hope for a comp pick? I would take a 4th or 5th all day for him.

He’s a home run hitter that this offense could really use. Now if you find a home run hitter in the draft I could see it a potential trade. But, you just aren’t going to get much for Swift because he’s essentially a 1 year rental for a team. Maybe you could get a 5th or 6th. Okudah got a 5th and we are paying like 60% of this salary.

The draft is also loaded with talented RB’s so why would a team trade for Swift right, if I’m a GM, I choose a RB in rounds 3-5 instead of trading for Swift. You get the rookie on a 4 year deal worth peanuts, whereas Swift is going to walk on you after 1 year or you gotta give him a raise.


Nobody is better in this draft year one in a part time role than Swift besides Bijan and maybe Gibbs.

I can see us trading Swift if we take one of these guys. Other than that, it would be really stupid. If Swift is healthy in the playoffs, he is a massive difference maker when you don’t have to “save” him.


Yea, I’m with you, I like Swift. He’s been banged up and still been productive. He brings another element to the offense, in the games where he has been healthy, he’s been explosive.

The new RB coach could be a good thing for his career.


I think it’s silly to trade him. There’s a less than zero chance that a contract year magically fixes his availability issues.


Yes, we need to be the ones reaping the benefits of his contract year, not some other team. Run him into the ground then send him on his way. I don’t even think we have to draft his replacement. This is a good RB class so I’d like to come out of it with something, but even if we waited until next year rookie RBs hit the ground running all the time. In fact it’s a better use of resources since we’re almost certain not to give up a 2nd contract.


Yea he’s going to play all 17 games, probably break J-Will’s TD record and then some dumb team will give him a big contract, it won’t be the Lions and he’ll go right back to being beat up all the time. Amazing how that happens in contract years, it’s magic.

Also @Thats2 - I saw in your mock you had the lions drafting both Achane and Spears. Interesting.


Achane is basically a WR in my book. Or “offensive weapon”. So if we drafted him I’m still open to adding a more traditional RB. I don’t think you’re using Achane right if you’re just lining him up in the backfield and handing him the ball.


Makes sense. Shit we’d be dangerous with all that speed.


Exactly. If we’re looking to take the offense to another level, a guy like Achane becomes really interesting. And I kind of believe we’re looking to take the offense to another level.


The Lions have a ton of players hitting UFA next year.

They will surely keep some… and others will leave.

I think it is very much part of the plan to have comp picks the following season.

Plus…. the benefit of having a RB on a rookie deal is that he still has 25% of his contract left to produce for little money.

I think they keep him… and hope he is motivated for a career year while he is trying to put up a big season to get his next contract.

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Agree with this. Hope they keep him and he goes crazy in the limited time he is healthy.


Swift has value to us this year, even if he misses some games because of injury. He’s cheap, he is familiar with the offense, he’s in a contract year and will be motivated.

It sure looks like Swift leaving at the end of the year will ultimately return a comp pick because of FAs Sign in with other teams. We have enough draft capital this year, but maybe not in 2025.


I’ll also add this……

a 4th or 5th round pick… in addition to the 7 picks the Lions already have in the top 5 rounds… could struggle to make the 53-man roster.

Considering that injuries happen in camp and preseason… it would be insane to trade him before final cuts. Keep all the depth possible right now.


If they draft Bijan, they trade him for a 4th or 5th.
If they stand pat, they hold onto him and hope for a comp pick.
Regardless, I expect a RB drafted at some point this year. Kendre Miller? Lew Nichols in 7th/UDFA? Not a big believer in Achane.
Gotta be better than Reynolds/Jackson (assuming he re-signs) as RB3. Justin Jackson as RB4 would be great. But there are also plenty of good RBs left in free agency.

On my mock i work on I have Gibbs in RD 2 If we trade him before draft I would look at a RB pick 18

If we can get a fourth that would work for me.

I would be shocked if we could get more than a 7th for Awift and i do not see us geting rid of him. Also I doubt we would vet comp picks for him next year as rbs dont get a big pay day And we have a lot of cap space next year.

If Gibbs is there in the 2nd round i take him. If not i look to take Spears or Johnson in the 5th or trade up to the 4th and take one of them.

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Swift is only due $1.775 million in 2023.

If they draft Bijan… they clearly are trying to win sooner than later…
so keeping an explosive RB for a season is worth it…

and the 4th/5th round pick may not make the team.

If Swift leaves as a free agent after 2023…
could potentially get a 5th round comp pick for free.

And… if they draft Bijan… trade Swift…. and then Bijan pulls a hammy (or something worse) a week before the regular season…. the depth chart takes a huge hit. RBs have a high injury rate no matter how talented.

There is no good reason to trade Swift this offseason…
barring a ridiculous return.