Armbar faceplant

I missed this live but it’s great stuff


We definitely got away with one there.
Kinda like their guy got away with piling on.
Alim McNeil was injured during the piling on.

What exactly did we get away with? I don’t see a horse collar tackle, unless it’s a hip drop tackle? But I don’t see him dropping his weight onto his legs. Pardon my ignorance of the entire rulebook, just trying to understand what rule we violated.


Legal hit, he was a runner


Any time you slam a players head into the ground, that’s dirty, at best.
That said, I’ve seen it happen to Amon Ra and Laporta, this season.
I doubt that there was malicious intent, but, it’s not a good look.
Neither was the head injury to McNeil, though.

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Look, Love could have reached out with his other arm and broken his fall. He prioritized shitting black rubber pellets for 3 days over dropping the ball, which totally could have been picked up by another Packer.

Campbell can’t help if that doofus doesn’t have his priorities straight/doesn’t know how to stay on his feet/fall correctly.

Sounds like he needs some martial arts training in the offseason.

And maybe a rubber detox regimen


That was #47 - Ezekiel Turner and it was a great takedown.


I thought he was nice. He could have broken his arm.

Perfectly innocent tackle.

First he tries to get Love’s jersey, but he can’t get a grip on it. Then all he’s got is one arm, which is not enough to bring him down. So then he uses his free arm to push Love down to the ground.

What else was he supposed to do in real time in that sequence?

Start yelling “stop resisting”?


Really? He’s trying to get him to the ground legally in a KEY moment in the game. If he misses that tackle, GB may score and we may lose.
It’s still football and there is nothing remotely illegal or unethical there.

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What does the guy say at the end? “F$$CKEN what?”

Sounds like “planted him”.

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How in the world was that a dirty play?


At the same time, we dodged a bullet of sorts. It’s the other hand getting over his nameplate that might have led to a horse-shit “horsecollar” flag.

Why are you forgetting that the fix was in?


It looks less severe to me in this slowed down video. It looked much more violent at live game speed and for what ever reason brought visions of Suh back for me.

I freaking loved it.

Didn’t the “V” in Villain stand for “Violent”.

Not only a legal play but a great play
Used leverage and strength to take down a strong QB who really wanted to make a play
Well done
Only the GB coach should be whining on this play because he whines on every play


What’s Love got to do with it? He’s a runner and deserves to deal with the consequences of his choices…great tackle reminds me of a Rodrigo/wrestling-style takedown/tackle.


You guys missed my Tina Turner reference.

C’mon, maaaan!