ARSB hasn't shown up to OTA's yet . . . are we worried?

Ah shit. My bad guys. Completely didn’t even see that other thread

From what I hear, the voluntary workouts conflict with the competitive eating circuit Amon Ra has joined. I don’t think there is any problem with him reporting at 305 lbs. Seriously though, the voluntary workouts are probably less strenuous than what he does on his off days, so nothing burger?

Who Is That Ben Franklin GIF

@BigNatty I haven’t shaved my head in a while so the stubble is probably leeching my brain power.

Hahaaa! That explains it → we love ya, my bald brother!
High Five Best Friends GIF by reactionseditor

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I’m about as concerned about this as I am my toilet properly flushing next time I use it.

There is zero chance him and Dan haven’t communicated, and there is zero chance he shows up with anything other than 4% body fat. Plus Goff said it, they’ve been throwing, and you know he’s been tiring out the juggs :muscle:. (@BigNatty, no :no_good_man:)

JJ was never getting a contract until after the draft. He’s being dangled as possible trade bait for MIN to move up.

If Arizona takes Harrison could the Chargers trade down for JJ and MIN up for a QB named JJ?

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Super Freak Flirting GIF by Rick James

Fox Artists On Tumblr GIF by Animation Domination High-Def

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