As Detroit Lions take over NFL, their fans are taking over opposing stadiums

# As Detroit Lions take over NFL, their fans are taking over opposing stadiums
Full article at Link.

Detroit Lions’ fans put the NFL on notice more than a year ago when 10,000 of them — maybe more — swarmed Kansas City, turning a chunk of 76,000-plus-capacity Arrowhead Stadium into a swath of white and Honolulu Blue.

It was trophy night for the defending Super Bowl champs and, still, Detroiters weren’t going to be denied. Don’t let the Lions get good, eh? …
It got so loud in Houston two Sundays ago that the Texans had to use silent counts to snap the ball … again, in their own stadium. …

“Our fans helped,” Lions head coach Dan Campbell said after the game. “With about eight minutes left in the fourth, they helped. They got a false start on them, caused one. So, listen, our fans are huge, traveling like they did.”

Campbell offered this up unsolicited. He has been watching the fanbase that adores him take over stadiums for a season and a half and he still can’t believe it.

Neither can another coach who knows a few things about football. Future Hall of Famer — and notorious curmudgeon — Bill Belichick broke out a slight smile on “Inside the NFL” as he diagrammed a play and pointed out how the Texans’ center had to tap the right guard on the hip to signal the count.

“At home!” Belichick said, “at home!”

He couldn’t believe it. Neither could co-hosts Chris Long and Ryan Clark.

Said Long: “That used to be a Green Bay, Philadelphia Eagle fan thing that they would take over your stadium. But now, the Lions fans down in Houston …”

Said Clark: “It tells you how Detroit is sort of becoming America’s team.”

Indianapolis should be the next victim. The Colts are middling with a 5-6


Good morning from Indy.


Spoken aloud on Inside the NFL. We wipe out that ‘sort of’ qualifier soon enough. Actually, it already has been except for the pundits who can’t let go of history.

How does everyone feel about this?
When I hear my friends tell me their pulling for our Lions, I’m fine with it. Welcome aboard!
But do we really want to become “America’s Team”? Very mixed emotions on that!

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Who can post the hottest babe in Lions drip?

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Dinner at Harry and Izzy’s last night.



Send pics. Wish I was their.

There’s an annoying aspect to it, but the other option is to NOT become America’s team, which we’ve all suffered for pretty much our entire lives. So I’m willing to suffer a few bandwagon fans… as long as they don’t accuse me of being one of them!

That said, once we win a Super Bowl or two the hate will become stronger and stronger. Just look at what’s happened to the Chiefs. They’re not actually any good, Mahomes is actually mid, the NFL just wants them to win, Taylor Swift blah blah blah blah blah. We’ll experience it soon enough.

Today, America’s team
Tomorrow, sick of these guys can someone beat them…



Yeah, everyone said they had never been to a game in any sport where the opposing team represented like they did today.


I don’t recall the broadcast showing the crowd during the game.

Anyone that was at the KC game would definitely bet the OVER on 10k of us being there. I think the discussion STARTS at 20k and goes up from there. There were so many Lions fan there that the Chiefs couldn’t even get a good tomahawk chop going, because there “wasn’t enough” of them in the crowd.

Notice that the writer said a sea of “white” and honolulu blue. That’s why I said to throw out the info to other fans to ditch the white on the road and EVERYONE should wear honolulu blue. That leaves no room for interpretation that a “sea of honolulu blue” has taken over the stadium. When we wear white it masks how much we have really set up shop.

On the flipside it seems like we have an “extreme” homefield advantage as well. At the Rams game I swear it seemed like there were 12 Rams fans in the entire stadium. I know that is not correct, I am just saying how it felt walking around and sitting in my seats looking around.


There was definitely a crap load of Lions fans there today, maybe moreso than the Colts. The Lions fans were definitely louder. Louder on third down, random chants of Jared Goff and Lets Go Lions and uproars when we scored. It was insane to see in Indy.


I love it! Fans that have had to endure the last several decades of futility should not be gate keepers and decide “who is allowed to be a Lions fan.” Those that know…know. I also try to remind myself that the better we are the the bigger our audience is…the better we will be officiated compared to the lean years.

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Detroit Lions opponents, you hate us because you ain’t us ! -but hey there’s always next season :nerd_face:

The Detroit vs. Everybody shirts are not aging well. But yeah, the ref treatment, and national audience games are the positives for sure.

Except for the BS Branch call today, we were treated very well by the refs, and indy was not. Refreshing!

Detroit vs Everybody still applies as far as I am concern. I welcome anyone who wants to join the resistance!

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I feel like this has been discussed. But the best graded teams get the bigger games all season. Like they seem to try to have the best teams on all the Prime Time games (or maybe that is just me thinking that). But I do think that the refs will seem to be more pro Lions because you will be getting better refs.

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