I mean, I guess that’s good. Or something. Also, Matt Stafford opened his mouth and a press release fell out.
Rally and win. That’s all that matters.
Might as well start developing talent. More walker at safety, more Powell in the slot, more targets for roberts, more Crosby if Decker is a shell of himself, less LaBlount…that’s all we’ve got is next year…feels like old times.
The players have their careers to think about. You don’t get far in the NFL blaming the HC or the GM unless you’re one shit-hot player. So I don’t blame them for saying it’s all execution; some of it IS execution, but some of it is preparation, game planning, and playcalling.
LOL! Another one year old thread that stands the test of time. Without looking to hard, this is the second thread by Nate I found, that still echoes true today.
Lols powell isnt even on this team anymore.
lol this is from November 2018
Sad that it’s still relevant.