As we inch closer

Hot off the press

More and more people are recognizing that Isaiah Simmons is one of the top 2 or 3 players in this draft. Some of them even believe he is on par with Chase Young (As I have always said). Positional value wise I still feel like it’s not the best pick at 3…but the more I see…the more I’m warming up to it.

I picked my handle for a reason. Get it done Quinn.


Thanks for posting. Nice read that reinforces my own perspective on multiple players and what they could do for us. Simmons certainly seems like a Patricia type Swiss knife and would solidify what most of us would consider a weakness. Baun in the early second is another one I like, but I would prefer Taylor at that spot.

Regardless, I’m getting fired up!

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He’s the 3rd best prospect in this draft behind Burrows and Young!

Dude flat out makes plays from sideline to sideline!

Would immediately impact our defense like nobody has since Suh!

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I could see Simmons at pick 3. From everything I’ve read (more than seen truthfully), Simmons is perhaps the most gifted athlete in the draft. Even if it doesn’t seem to be the most position of need, if he stays healthy you have to believe he will be a perennial pro-bowler. Just do it!

Quin has said he wants people who can contribute immediately. Simmons should be able to do that. He did play some corner in college, so why is it that he couldn’t be lined up there to see what happens. Fire up Lions fans, it’s going to be an exciting draft.


Maybe it’s because of being cooped up for so long, but is there more draft chatter than in past years? One week out and believe we are just entering the crescendo. This is going to be a very, very fun week.

I talked to Jon and he said the entire room wants Simmons.


I wanted to add something to my last post. Doesn’t Simmons remind fans of VonMiller? If he even comes close to that, I think the choice will be praised for years. And the Lions will have a chesspiece that can be moved around their defense for a long time. Man has great speed and size, go get him Quin.

Simmons is not a CB in the NFL. He’s not Von Miller either. Doesn’t have the pass rush.

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No lol not even close… I have no idea how you came to that conclusion, but that’s an awful comparison. Simmons is a bigger Jabrill Peppers… I see a lot of Leonard Floyd too, but faster.


Just as was the beginning with the running quarterbacks and the doubt about how they fit the NFL, so is the interpretation of a player like Simmons. Thing is a pocket passer is more of a rarity now than the mobile one and that is the way the NFL has changed. A player like Simmons is battling the mindset of old school NFL fan and in some case team personnel. I think he has the potential to be a game-changer on the way teams draft defense. The smart coaches will realize you need players like him that are multi-dimensional to compete with today’s NFL offenses. I would way rather see us take Simmons at 3 then a corner at 5 or 6 even

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Prototype like Lawrence Taylor.

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WHAT??? Nooooooo

I’m the same way. I see Simmons as a type of player any D coordinator would LOVE to have. You will see Simmons line up at slot CB. You will see him line up at OLB in both 4-3 and 3-4 alignments. You will see him line up at MLB in obvious passing situations. You will see him line up at Safety. He will even occasionally line up at DE. He will be blitzing from all over. He will be asked to cover WR’s, RB’s and TE’s. He will spy running QB’s.

The value at #3 is obvious. I wouldn’t be surprised if he goes before #3.

I’ll just put it out there that I’m wrong a lot, but I feel Jeudy is in this group - slam dunk day 1 difference maker.


I hope this thread ages better than the threads pimping Aaron Curry did in 2009.


I honestly think he won’t go top 5 and I think there’s a strong chance he won’t go top 10.


i hope we go simmons at 3–screw the trade down-with our luck if we do that we’ll probally miss a 3 players we want

Not even close to the same player.

Miller was a far better technician and a far better pass rusher coming out.

If teams view him as a LBer it will be as an off ball LBer. An Off ball LBer hasn’t went top 10 since 2012 when Luke Kuechly was drafted at 9OA. Kuechly was a far more polished LBer too. He had 191 tackles which was almost double what Simmons had. They are not even close to the same player.

Simmons reminds me more of Derwin James. Who was also an athletic hybrid player. James was projected top 10 for many of the same reasons that Simmons is but James went 17OA. While I think James was a more polished player than Simmons is coming out. Yet Simmons is bigger and faster. Which helps him project more as a LBer which will boost his value some.

I think if anyone drafts Simmons top 10 that they are doing so solely on his potential and upside. It only takes one team to fall in love with his potential but It wouldn’t shock me one bit if Simmons doesn’t go top 10.


Double trade down.
Walk away with 5 picks in the first 2 rounds. Walk with
Best OT available
Best RB available
Best DE available
Focus on BPA with emphasis on DL and OL after that (especially DL)

^^ in that order^^

Leave w/a #3 ranked offense, and a #17 ranked defense and win the first playoff game in much of the Den’s lifetime.

:muscle: :muscle:


That’s my hope. I think the Lions could target trenches with their first pick. If that’s the case they should be able to trade down at least once, possibly twice.

I’d hope that BQ hasn’t pigeon holed himself into a pick like he did last year with TJ.