Ashtyn Davis

He’s probably looking for a chance to start but if he’s open to safety 3 possibilities I’d be a big fan of such a move. Would bring elite speed to the safety room.

I don’t know about Davis but we need some veteran depth and/or competition in that room for sure. Iffy, Kerby and Branch are all we’ve got at the moment.

With all the quality available safetys there’s plenty of good options. I think the Packers shot their load too early with McKinney, with all those guys available the prices should be falling.

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Star hurdler at the college level so high end athleticism. Despite the track background he’ll be physical. Like Kerby he could perhaps benefit from a bit more restraint from time to time.

I liked him coming out but he’s been pretty blah in NY hasn’t he?


good job buddy

Only interested if @blueadams is interested

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if caleb williams is going to be a bust because he paints his nails, there’s no way we can sign a guy with a girls name!!

MORE Cal players. Make it happen.

Incredible athlete. Loved him at Cal. I think he’s had some concussion and other injury issues since being in the league.

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