Audit: Brett Favre was paid $1.1 million in Mississippi welfare funds for

Doesn’t have to be a swindle, just plain old lack of character. What’s the old saw, it’s what you do when nobody is watching that reveals character. I don’t like to judge somebody based on their worst moments, maybe he can make it up to them.

Just remember, there is no Fake News, just fake views.

3 posts were split to a new topic: Brett Favre update

And lobbyists need to take high level government officials somewhere nice to bend the rules to their favor.

I mean he did know something was shady. He specifically asked if the media was going to be able to get a hold of this information. Certainly Favre knew that there was some underhanded business going on here. I mean who in their right mind would think spending $5 million for a volleyball arena is a good use of taxpayer money? Favre is from Mississippi and he knows that money could be put to better use.

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He hasn’t yet though and this story has been around for about a year. I can’t stand Favre and if he did something illegal I hope they nail him to the wall. I hope they’re able to include Aaron Rodgers as well. Christmas come early.