B. Martin was a Dan Gamble pick!

Rewatching this for like 5-6th time lol

I really feel like this was a Dan Campbell pick and he reached up to get him because of physical traits. I hope he can develop in the offseason and be something just not sure it happens it was the only reach this regime has made and it is compounded by the lack of outside CB and pass rushers that could have been picked here instead or all around depth that all those picks would have provided.

He was a favorite of the gm! Its all over their comments on that video.


The policy seems to be “get guys that we love” regardless of positional need or positional value.

They loved Martin, and they went and got him, just like they did with Gibbs, Branch and Jamo.

This regime isn’t afraid of being patient with a player. Jamo, Hooker, Melifonwu and Barnes have all taken some time to develop. Martin will benefit from that patience too.

I like their policy. It works. The fans need to learn to accept it and appreciate it.


ill be honest

having 3 defensive players from that 2021 draft develop really well after a couple years (It does take time after all, we do need to give a couple years of patience)

Alim Developed into one of the better DT’s in the league rn, Iffy has blown up the past couple of weeks starting, and Barnes this year compared to previous has improved a decent amount (still has some issues, another year maybe what he needs)

only big bust from that draft so far looks to be Levi, mainly due to injury (which was why he fell to round 2)


And yeah, I give Credit to AG and the position coaches there, especially with Alim and Iffy


it's so fluffy despicable me GIF


I am pretty sure I remember reading that the Lions see Linval Joseph as a possible comp for Martin…. once he develops.

Linval was a mid-2nd round pick (46th OA).
Linval did almost nothing as a rookie.
He improved the next year, eventually made 2 pro bowls, and is still playing in his 14th season at age 35.


DT’s simply take more time to get into their prime. We have probably one of the best mentors in the NFL in Alim, so if Martin wants to take a big step forward he has the right guy to help him do it. How to get yourself in NFL shape is #1. I’m still not sure what we have, or don’t have, in Levi. This next season is absolutely make or break for him.


Seems that giant NTs often take some time to find their bearings. Perhaps maintaining pad level for a 6’5" 345lbs isn’t as straight forward as many make it out to be. Especially when you’re being assaulted by 325lb. men. Often more than one at the same time.


Also the difference in muscle development and training from 21-25


They didn’t “reach up” to get him. They reached up to place him at the top of their board, which is why they went to get him.

There have been a couple threads in this in the past month, including screenshots and links to this same video.

The reach (wingspan) of Martin is that of a 7’ tall person. That and he played with a high motor.

Personally, I like to see a solid anchor demonstrated in college. I think it’s a thing a player either has or doesn’t. Whether it’s their build or center of gravity or whatever, some guys have a unique ability to absorb double teams without being moved.

I don’t know what will become of Martin here. Whatever it is, it’s gonna take a little more time.


I think the sample size is still too small to say this outright, which I say from experience because it burned me last year.

Because Holmes’s first two drafts cared more about positional value than any other GM in the league. I put too much stock into that and thus whiffed on all my predictions. But the sample size remains small.

Then there was the interview with Schrager after the draft where Brad said this:

“And I kind of look at, especially this past draft, you know, everybody was saying like, this is a different draft is a different draft. Well, this call what it is, it just wasn’t as strong of a draft as it normally is. you know, in a normal year, you had like true first round talent players, you might have about 17 or 18. Guys, I really haven’t seen any higher than 20. And all the years that I’ve been doing it. This is, we ended up with 14 guys. And that was at the very end, it was less than that. At one point. Like at one point, we had like nine or 10.”

He then compared it to the movie Training Day:

“You know, he goes into this, you know, the rough area, and he goes this lady’s house and takes his money. And then he goes out and him and Ethan Hawke are trying to get out of the neighborhood and the girl comes out there and rats him out says, Hey, this guy just took our money and Denzel’s just in this shoot out, and he just shooting out trying to get out of the neighborhood. And he’s basically shooting his way out of there. And I was like that draft is kind of that. Just get who we want and just shoot our way out of here and get on out of there.”

So I think it’s possible Brad does weigh positional value, just not so much that it swayed him away from the better players at RB (Gibbbs), LB (Campbell), etc… Much like you shouldn’t pass on a better player to reach for need, you also shouldn’t pass on a better player to reach for a higher value position.

I didn’t factor that in enough last year.


AG used a Ted Washington comp. Ted went in the 1st round, but didn’t hit his stride until years 4 and 5. The team that drafted him gave up after 3 years.


This thread popped up as my next one to read right after I posted about how the team views the draft in the Lions draft pick poll thread.
I think it goes to what I was trying to say in that post.
I replied to this post specifically as now Martin has two mentors. Alim and a successful veteran in Reader. Looking forward to seeing the new DL coach and difference he may bring and the new DL.

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Uh-oh. The anti-Caleb Williams brigade isn’t gonna like this one…

Let’s be fair… for a variety of reasons, no one should really like that picture.


What’s wrong with a dude wearing pants next to his pregnant wife photo shoot?

He’s not wearing a dress, makeup, finger nail polish and demanding to be an owner is he?

Pretty much looks like the opposite of Caleb WIlliams from what I see

Quiet humble dude wanting to have a family/


What. In. The. Hell

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There is an entrepreneurial spirit that infects many in the tik-tok generation. Everybody’s a Maker, Photographer and Fashion Designer.

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