Baker Mayfield: Rams players said Ford Field was "loudest thing they've ever heard" measured the sound for Rams-Lions at 133.6 decibels, both a record for Ford Field and the equivalent of an engine on a 747 at takeoff. It could be even louder on Sunday, as the Lions try to secure their first berth in the NFC Championship since 1991.

Bucs thought they were playing the Lions as an away game, but they haven’t seen nothin’ yet.


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Really hope tickets going for $1k each won’t affect crowd noise …


Tickets at FF are about 2x or more than any other playoff game. Seems like we are getting gouged.



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Yeah that’s one thing I don’t like. We have more people wanting to come to games than we can possibly accommodate. Instead of rewarding this interest, we make it so that only exceptionally well-off fans can afford to go. I understand it’s “market forces” but that feels like a cop out. Demand doesn’t FORCE prices up. That’s a human saying “we can charge more for this”…to which I would argue just because you could doesn’t mean you should.


I’ve read the same thing, but for similar lower bowl seats, 49ers tickets are 40-60% higher.

Nosebleeds in San Francisco are definitely cheaper, but I also don’t know if those seats are shit.

And utility bills for a 65,000 person arena will be considerably cheaper than an outdoor stadium.

I also think location matters: I’d imagine in terms of supply and demand, Detroit will outrank SF. Same with Buffalo and Baltimore (who honestly wants to sit outside on the east coast this time of year?).

It’s just a shame that most fans can’t afford to take their kids to the game and have that experience at those prices.

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I promise to do my part… even though I’m way up and off in the corner. I will be SCREAMING!


People from Michigan and other cold weather states will be the only ones that want to attend a game in Detroit. Warm weather fans will not have time to acclimate to the frigid conditions of Ford Field.

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I think it sucks they aren’t as affordable as any other game, but I also think plenty of Lions’ fans have money and are successful. So I don’t think this is anything to worry about. People willing to spend that money to go to that game yell just as loud as those who aren’t willing or able.

Basic supply and demand. Detroit has millions of fans and only a few thousand tickets available for this game.


That’s part of it, too. And let’s not forget the season-ticket holders. My guess is 70-80% of those season tickets that grabbed the early offer playoff tickets have NOT sold them.

Ford Field will be fine.

There seems to be some type of misunderstanding regarding prices. When i got my playoff tickets they cost me 112 a ticket for the first 2 rounds and 134 a ticket for the NFCCG. I feel i have nice seats that a lot of people would like. I want to go to the game but if someone wants to give me 700 for my ticket then yes I would sell it. Everyone has a price point they will break. However don’t blame the lions for that.


Ic, so the prices advertised are probably re sale and not original prices.

Any website selling those tickets flat out say they’re re-sale or secondary market. Lions tickets are never as crazy as the secondary, and haven’t been all year.

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