Baltimore Bridge Collapse

well and the large amount of people that believe them and are willing to harm others because they’re some of the stupidest people on the planet.

mainstream media (certain ones) aren’t helping with this either. I’m waiting for them to say the ship was probably vaxxed too.

It’s going to be interesting to see how fast this bridge gets cleared and rebuilt because of how important that port is.

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Let’s please keep this on topic cuz it’s going to get whacked pretty shortly if we don’t


watching that video, it’s weird after the first power loss/restoration they turned the ship so much to starboard. I’d be curious, had they not done anything, if it would’ve just drifted right under the center of the bridge.

No idea, @Air2theThrown would be the one to answer that of anyone on the board.
edit: I think Air did address your comment above, @Sheepish
Sounds like the folks on the ship and those on or near the bridge did everything they could to avert this and the loss of life.

That’s pretty wild. They’ll probably focus on the bridge but that ship should have all of the same safety features that a jumbo jet has.

Oh whoops I didn’t see this. That makes sense for that abrupt turn. I mean the original heading probably looked like it was going to drift into the other support instead.

so the lesson is, massive ships aren’t very maneuverable in a small space.

Staged? Meaning it never really happened?

that it was a planned event for…some reason retarded reason.

No need to even bring those morons to this board, not worth the discussion here.


Leave the silliness to the unserious.

From what I hear they dropped anchor then the power came back on and that caused the ship to turn.

Had they not dropped anchor they may have avoided the collision.

It’s just a freak accident and I don’t think there’s a good choice to be made when the variables are changing quickly.

Funny thing is I’m on Lake Erie today with a Master Captain who trains captains and he said the same thing. Dammed if you drop anchor and damned if you don’t in this situation.


The geek in me was curious about bridge types. I found a pretty good article.


From the Detroit News

Freighters in Great Lakes, St. Lawrence Seaway lose power, steering about 20 times a year

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Bridge fenders are ugly and I think a lot of places take pride in aesthetics, although the Key Bridge was pretty ugly. Major failures like this are overwhelmingly electrical failures. Planes are required to have fully backup electrical systems of everything. As expensive as these container ships are, I see no reason they shouldn’t pony up for the same.

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Unfortunately it usually takes a disaster to push for upgraded safety features. American Airlines 191 is a prime example of that mindset. The plane probably would have made a safe return to O’Hare if the DC-10 had shut off valves to prevent a complete loss of hydraulics and a second stick shaker to warn the pilots of the stall. The stick shaker for the pilot lost power and having another one for the copilot was an option, and American Airlines didn’t want to pay extra for it.

I suspect we will find out something like that happened with this ship. If you make redundant systems optional, some tightwad will decide to go without them to save money.

Or the train derailment in Ohio with all the chemicals…

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