Bears have Aaron Rogers Limping n comming off the field

GB and Bears game…Bears up 10 -0…and threatening to score in a few minutes again.

MODS , please feel free to erase thread.

Ok then time traveller. Tell me which stocks I should move all of my money into. :thinking:

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Someone was watching last year’s week 1 game on NFLN thinking it was live :joy:

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This is peak internet right here lol

Tell me. Who killed JR?

I did, but only until 9/9. We already discussed this!

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LOL…I was thinking of retro TV, JR Ewing. Following up on the “time traveller” feel in this thread. Who killed JR was must see TV in the 80’s.
I actually already forgot about our JR.

**[quote=“Pdono, post:8, topic:1061, full:true”]

LOL…I was thinking of retro TV, JR Ewing. Following up on the “time traveller” feel in this thread. Who killed JR was must see TV in the 80’s.
I actually already forgot about our JR.

I know what you were referencing but I thought I was being clever on top of your cleverness. A double reverse clever move.

LOL…Oh. I thought maybe you were too young to recognize the nostalgia.

I think many of us here are old enough, and I didn’t realize that I took things like that for granted until I started dating girls in their 20s. It blew my mind some of the references I’d make that I thought EVERYONE knew and they would have no clue!

In this case i thought it was extra funny you throw out a “who killed JR” reference a day after i banned him and on the same day i put up a post explaining the situation in the OTT.:grin:


I’ve got no idea what’s happening in this thread, but it’s fun wondering so I vote for leaving it.

Lately, I have been watching 2019 football games here and there…today I saw that GB and Chicago were on SO, I automatically thought 2019 game…until I hit INFO on my remote during a commercial and saw it was the 2018 game . DER SO, I rushed back here and said the thread could be deleted many hours ago. I came back here at 9:45 PM and the thread turned into comedic hazing. :crazy_face: Gee haven’t seen that before.

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read my comment above there …you might find out.

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Many of us understand your situation and that your brain isn’t firing on all cylinders. Some don’t know, but many of us have known you for a long time and appreciate that fact. But please understand, some of it leads to absolute comedy gold to read. Don’t get too defensive about it. Just let us have our fun and we’ll move on. Life’s too short to take too seriously, just laugh with us when we explain why we are laughing. :joy:

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Marty McWolfcub. Back in Time.

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something else bothers the F out of me in or Spectrum Cable. I will see on the TV Guide line up it says NEW NFL shows this, and NEW NFL show that…and you go “DANG!” “I would like to watch that !” and you scroll down and click INFO…these shows are from 2010 …20011, 2009…BUT it says {NEW} WTF !?

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The one and only thing I learned from BTTF is don’t ever travel back in time to any point where you will meet your parents, because your mom will more than likely want to bang you.