Ben Johnson clock starts now

I think by Tuesday Ben Johnson will be the new head coach in Washington DC.

Great season. Horrible last game but time to move on to the offseason and improve that defense and interior oline.

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He left at half


I bet he’s already on his plane to Washington.

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Any way Washington is waiting on the dc from the ravens?

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He already gone

They were just waiting to announce it until the Lions were done

It’s already a done deal

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I saw they were having basically all of their brass meet Mike Macdonald, for whatever that’s worth.

I think that job is between him and Ben.

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Post of the year


Yeah f him…Good riddance…Maybe takes Reynolds and AG with him


Ben Johnson has to be statistically the worst OC in the 3rd quarter this year.

I can not believe anyone else shits the bed as badly as he does. Lions would be better off just playing run, run, pass every 3rd quarter and it would be a million times better than the sloppy 3rd quarter BJ he gives the other team.

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I would even go as far as 3 runs just to kill clock. Not sure what happens to him at half but he always comes out and tries to be way to cute and smart…and it bites us in the ass everytime.


Plot twist:

He flew to Washington at halftime. Was a stunt double on the sideline

I’m not trying to minimize Ben Johnson, because I’d love to have him back of course… but I’m also wondering about him as a HC. Sure the game plan coming into the week feels great, but as the game goes on his playcalling and decision making are arguably his biggest weaknesses. Making him HC and being responsible for that exclusively… not sure if that’s putting him in the best spot to be successful. Hopefully the Lions can continue to put together awesome game plans, and whoever calls plays next might have a better feel for game situation play calls as the game gets late.


Possible but I think that would be unexpected


totally agree.

Honestly after his 3rd quarter performances I’m fine with it… Great planning coach but when it comes to adjustments he is awful,

kinda wish wee could swap him for Jim Bob cooter at the half :nauseated_face:

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