Ben Johnson in the 3rd quarter, the hens came home to roost

Say what you want about Campbell, Reynolds…

But Ben Johnson again completely lost momentum in the 3rd… It starts from the top, not going to discredit what he has done for this team this season, big reason why we are here…

but for having a top tier offense that is top 3 in cap to our lowly defense that is almost 30th I really hope we can keep AG and give him ammo, I think Ben’s replacement will be easier then we think


It’s his biggest drawback as a coach. He doesn’t stick to the sh!t they can’t stop.


I posted in another thread that this season the Lions won the third quarter four times.

Four. Times.

This team won 14 games but only 4 third quarters.

For the most part it didn’t matter though. As bad as the third quarter tended to be, we usually had enough of a lead, and we only lost the third quarter by a FG or less. But the third quarter is obviously a problem for this team and one that did not get better as the season went on. And if you were going to write the script for this season, of course it would end in a game where the third quarter performance was terrible

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Johnson was not dropping footballs that hit him in the hands or missing tackles.


As I’ve said, I don’t know exactly where the blame goes for the abysmal third quarters this season. I tend to think it’s more of an overall preparation or halftime adjustment thing, and that’s on both sides of the ball.

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Again, it’s starts at the top, we can blame DC but when we needed to break this trend it completely bit us in the ass…

Ben Johnson is good, but momentum is a cruel mistress and he let it swing tonight, it’s his job to change the trends


Well I’m sure Ben didn’t tell Gibbs to run the wrong way on the play he fumbled. What I do remember about Dan when he was calling plays before Ben is he will stay with something until they stop it. In this game I think Monty gets 30 carries for 180 yds. I don’t know if that changes the outcome.

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We had all the momentum in the world. Ball was moving just like first half. 4th and 2, call a play that is open, just like all the other times in the regular season, QB hits the WR in the hands… and he drops it.
Fluky deep ball, deflection
I’ll die on this hill, #8 catches that 4th and 2 ball, and the game is completely different.


There were two times in the third quarter when i said to my wife…PLEASE DO NOT RUN THE BALL HERE. SF just scored, they had 8 or 9 in the box. One time Jah fumbled, one time we were stopped for no gain and then went three and out. Both times were SET UP for play action to stop the bleeding.

If I can see it sooooooooooooooooo freaeaeaeaeeeeking easily…cmon Ben…read the room!!!
I love him. He’s a very very good coordinator. But not a great one.


There were at least 4 sacks that Purdy avoided only to end up scoring on two of those that would have ended the drive.


Biggest issue i have with Ben Johnson

He goes away from Dmont when hes the hot hand constantly i feel

The lack of Play Action, Goffs bread and butter

And its always in the 3rd quarter

Hes a great OC, but he has some warts for sure


No but he did call a shotgun delay handoff.

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Ben thinks he is fooling the defense by lining up in shotgun and handing it off.

We were killing them with run heavy formations. Then Ben got cute, again.


True…but Ben seems to panic in the 3rd and as stated go away from what’s working.

It’s his play calling that gets to “cute” and reeks of smartest man in the room…that ends many possessions as 3 and out


Classic 3rd qtr Ben…what a rascal


Late in the season, we always end up receiving the ball first…which gives the ball to the other team first in the 3rd. That is part of it.

Hutch & Alim need a buddy up front.
Having a hole at CB is one thing…having a hole @ DT annnd CB is much, much tougher. We need help badly


We ran the ball 7 times in the 2nd half and one was to St. and one was stuffed at the end resulting in having to use a TO.

Ben played right into the 49ers hands.


I think the coaches prepared this team well with a game plan that was shredding their defense. Like every other team they decided to squeeze the middle of the field and force Goff to throw some deep outs or go over the top. This usually brings our offense to a halt.

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That is saying A LOT, without very many words- BRAVO

No he is not… BUT

I didn’t like starting Gibbs out at our own 25 without a heavy set against an 8 man box (fumbled).

I didn’t like running Amon Ra out of the shotgun on 3rd and 10 with no running back in the backfield.

I didn’t like passing up on a FG with 7:07 left in the 3rd, that would have negated the 49ers drive and 3 points, and kept it at a 3 score lead with less than 1.5 quarters left, and backed SF up to their own 25…

I didn’t like passing up another FG to tie it up with 7:38 left in the 4th… Sure we could have converted, maybe eaten up a bit more clock and yardage, but even getting it would have still required we get another 25 yards to score a TD, and even then we’d be up 4 points…

I liked our chance far more to tie it up, get a stop or turnover, and drive down the field… WAY MORE than convert 4th, drive down an score a TD, and then create a stop or turnover, then successfully run out the clock?

If we make the FG, and they drive down and score a TD… at least we likely have 2-3 minutes to drive down and tie against a prevent D… Too many things needed to happen that weren’t overly likely to make going for it make sense.

---- the one in the 3rd quarter to go back up 3 scores is where it lost me…

I also wish we didn’t have Sewell running crazy motions, running passing routes, and getting exhausted when simply smashing Bosa was working out splendid in the first half.