Best Movie, Movie scene you ever saw

What is the best movie, or movie scene…you ever seen…

I have a lot…but this scene is truly special for a lot of reasons…

I think James Cameron did a remarkable job.

This is why James Cameron is the best…

Unbelievable, actually.

This scene and the opening scene of Terminator 2 is the best I have ever seen…

Ill tell you, this movie is the best ever made in my opinion. My most favorite moment/scene was watching the LA trafffic on the highway…lasted a few seconds…but man…how intense…

Opening scene…best ever.


Maybe the most intense scene is the LA traffic on the highway???

It really shows you how oblivious people are to their own reality…however, they dont even know that is not even their reality…

You tell me.

Still, this is the best movie ever made in my opinion.

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The final heist scene from Heat is tough to top.


Thats really good as well…very. very good…


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And we still have five years for this to happen! :scream:

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Maybe my favorite actor ever…

“Im in the dark…here”…

But he pulls it together and not only does what is right…he stands up for honesty and integrity…

Very good movie and scene…

Thia scene is close…tied for the best…


Godfather/Godfather II - best movies

A lot of really good scenes in the movies, I was going to say You can’t handle the truth, but two others Fake orgasm - When Harry Met Sally

The fight scene when Luke finds out that Vader is his father.



This scene…

Damon, Robib Williams…and Pacino…

I have more…but…

Matt Damon…and Robin Williams? Very good…

“Do you have your own thoughts on this matter?”…

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Jeff Daniels…powerful and accurate scene…

Really good scene…


It’s not my favorite movie of all time, it’s very good, but Inglorious Basterds does have three of the best scenes.

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Also like a couple more in 300.

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I’m a big fan of movie scores, and I love what Hans Zimmer did for the opening battle scene in Gladiator.


Best :man_shrugging:

My favorite is probably the Dennis Hopper Sicilian were spawned by … monologue in True Romance.

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The Hula Hoop music montage in Hudsucker Proxy has always been very dear to me.

Also, the first 20 minutes or so of 1917 are absolutely perfect IMO. Up until they arrive at No Man’s Land.


I like a lot of what you guys have already posted. One of my more relatively recent favorites is the final chase on the new Mad Max. Never liked Mad Max before this reboot. This is part of it.

Also, it doesn’t get more intense than the Omaha Beach landing opener on Saving Private Ryan. I went on opening day and there were vets crying in seats around me.


back to the future volver al futuro GIF


Good choice, id add the diner scene from heat. Pacino and deniro together were just a master class in acting.


I prefer the opening scene but both are great.

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Reliably turns me into a crybaby.