Bevell as HC

I’m all about there’re and now…

He is it for now and I hope he does well…

He’s a fellow believer as well which is part of my why in liking him…

God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called

Bevell career is marked with humility in never truly pursuing a HC job… now he’s got it like it or not!!

I want him to pull a Clemson type HC job here - starting next week with the Bears!!

“Win for Christ’s Sake!” Baby!!

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I don’t think anyone would be disappointed by the Lions running the table and turning this thing around. Wayne Fontes started as an interim coach and he got us the only playoff win since 1957. I’ll take it.


No. He’s not even a good enough OC.

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I put Stafford on I.R. and tell Bevell to buy his kids a G.I. Joe with the Kung Fu grip for Christmas with the bump in pay he is going to get.


That might make him a good head coach.

your 0618 is my birthday! :open_mouth:

and, yes, some forget, being a leader has nothing to directly do with your performance at a lower level job or vise versa…

my fav. quote on this is “The best shooter doesn’t always make the best instructor nor does the best instructor make the best shooter”!

I Love Eddie Murphy.

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We share a birthday

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giphy (24)

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