Big Deal Guys!

Yesterday was a discouraging game for sure. But whether you lose by one or you lose by 32, the result is the same. Yes, just about every aspect of our team looked terrible. But that’s not who we are. That’s not who we’ve been through the previous six games of the year. We ran into a buzzsaw at the same time we were floundering. We are still going to win our division and maybe get the top one or two seeds. I’ll take my chances against any team in the league at Ford field. Don’t let one disastrous game ruin your week. We still have many young players that are developing and learning. This is not the worst thing that could’ve happened. We got out of it pretty much injury free. Montgomery will be coming back. We will be fine.


Holmes needs to acquire a veteran CB via trade. Will Harris isn’t going to cut it.

The Lions have a surplus at the edge.



That’s all nice in all, but we are what we are , were a good team in a bad division we can make the playoffs and beat avg teams. But we do not have the horses to compete against good teams. Any team that has a above avg Oline will give this team trouble, It wasn’t just a lose it was a embarrassment.


I posted on another thread: “Barns, Julian, Houston and next years 1 for Surtain”

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We handled KC (ranked 3rd by some) just fine…on the road I might add. This is basically the same Baltimore team that we should’ve beaten two years ago. At Ford Field. They are pretty much the same. We’ve made some tremendous strides. It was a disastrous game. No question. Season is not over by a longshot.


Lol yeah we beat them by 1 point and they were missing 2 of 3 of there best players. If Jones and Klece play it’s a lost.

And it’s not over because of our weak schedule and week division. So sure we will win some games. But get beat up by the really good teams.

It like you don’t watch. Every team with a decent Oline we get very little pass rush.


Since you can predict what is going to happen please let me know the 6 digits for mega millions mr fortune teller

You said ANY team with a good offensive line would give us trouble. KC has a good line. I’ve seen Green Bay’s line listed as high as eighth. Injuries are part of the game. Nobody gives a shit that Montgomery was out.

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Lol it’s not a prediction it’s paying attention. You should try it.

I do, he is on every fantasy team I have. Montgomery wasn’t gonna help the pass rush or keep Lamar from having 6 sec to throw.


This game is exactly what a young team needs to see. You can’t go up against the big boys, especially in their house, and think you can go in with your B game and win. I agree with Dan a little bit on this. Between losing a squeaker or getting trounced like we did, I think I would take the trouncing. If we were a veteran team, I would be much more concerned. For a young team, this is OK. This should hopefully get us more focused when we get to the playoffs.

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He’s on mine too.

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If he stays healthy he’s the steal in the draft we’re he was going.

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Blah blah blah yep you’re the only person that can evaluate talent everyone else has no clue … all hail the great TCmouse

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we need help both on the Dline and in CB

ill be honest, outside of Hutch, Buggs, and Alim, rest of the Dline has been disappointing

Missing Houston hurts a bit, but i think we need another big and consistent hit on that Dline

get a piece from the commies, like chase young, or danielle hunter (most affordable of the 2 imo rn), give Hutch someone who is more consistent on that Line,

People want CB, but if your giving 6 seconds for the qb to throw, any db of any quality likely gonna get burned

LB’s were really disappointing yesterday considering they were actually really good, even in the games where the D was not playing the best (Seattle),


Successful people don’t kneejerk, they evaluate and learn lessons. What happened Sunday was a perfect storm of getting behind on the scoreboard, panicking and trying to do too much and it got out of hand fast. It was the opposite of complementary football, TD, three and out, TD, three and out, TD, three and out, TD, game over. The first thing to do is look inside, identify the problems and how they can be mitigated going forward.

Two years ago the record was 0-7. Last year the record was 1-6. Now it’s 5-2. There’s a lot of people saying we can’t hang with the big boys, but should we really expect the team to be one of the two or three best in the league at this point in its development? I don’t think so. It’s a young team and a young staff, just about everyone in that building is still finding their feet in one way or another and seeing things that they haven’t seen before.

The team has come a long way but the path to success is never straightforward and there’s still lessons to be learned and improvements to be made. Expecting perfection is unreasonable at the best of times, but particularly so when this team was 1-6 twelve months ago.

This fanbase has been patient. This team deserves a little more patience. That’s something the fanbase should happily deliver, because the journey is fun now.


No but you are not obviously paying attention. It’s not my fault you don’t see things. Maybe that’s why you need to hit the lotto and need a prediction.

doesn’t matter if we win by A point or by 35 points it is a WIN for us vs a Super Bowl-winning opponent ! barring last night, our other loss was to another great team and we took them into sudden death OT where the next point won the game, our opponent just happened to do that but that’s the way it goes.

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Just read that Baltimore is healthy for the first time this year
Can they stay that way
Luck with injuries is a significant part of the game

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Yes Buddy! They need another real DE, not a bunch of average chumps. A Killer DT would be nice too. Hutch cant do it alone. A d line that actually gets home on the QB will make the defensive backfield look way better. Anyone can get open when their QB has ten seconds to throw.

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