Bill Belichick passed on Combine to scout a lesser-known prospect

BQ and MP in attendance? I wonder why BB didn’t attend this year? He has in the past.

Anyone with info on defensive end/outside linebacker Tyshun Render?

Honestly, I’m glad you posted this. I was going to post something similar. I feel like the combine is getting more and more lame every year. I understand from the player standpoint, why would chase young work out, he is locked in as the top draft pick. Not only chase young but others. Also, players don’t even do the full workout, they pick and choose which ones to do. It’s just boring now to not even see the top prospects even workout as they are afraid of hurting their draft stock etc. Didn’t used to be that way. Guys went out and competed, it was awesome. I dno, I didn’t even watch it this year. I find it kinda lame now that not everyone is competing. Quite frankly, it kinda pisses me off. You can extend it to even bowl games etc…this game is all about the money.

Way to go Bill, always ahead of the game. It’s a copy cat league. You watch, the combine is going to get worse and worse and other teams will follow suit. That’s why Bill is so great. Always ahead of everyone, that’s a genius. No wonder he is the greatest coach of all time and every wants to copy him.

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My guess is that he took 3-4 hrs out of his busy day to run from Indy to TEN (an hour plane ride) to take a look at this kid. Probably was a morning work out when little to nothing is going on in Indy.

I am sure BB knew this would get out too. How could it not.

The fact that he did the scouting himself makes me believe he wasn’t trying to be secretive. Which makes me wonder why? Did he need a break from the combine? Or is he playing 3D chess with the rest of the league?

So Spock! :vulcan_salute:

Belichick didn’t sound too impressed with the combine in his HBO special with Saban.

Probably just another calculated diversion tactic. He goes there instead of here. Some start thinking, ‘Hmmm, what’s old Billy boy got down there’? So teams waste some resources(well, 1 or 2)following up on BB because you can’t let him go traipsing willy nilly all over the country finding hidden gems, or he wants some to think that. What’s that sneaky so-and-so trying to do? But what do I know? I’m really better off just ignoring everything Lions-or NFL for that matter-to see who they drafted at the end of April, then wait for the season to start like I used to before we had all this access to imagination inducing internet “information”. All this information…

If you are as hyper focused as Belichick is reported to be, you don’t care anything about how anyone else perceives what you are doing. You are just focusing on yourself and your job, and doing what you set out to do. Someone like Belichick knows how precious time is, and doing something just to get other people worked up as a diversion is a waste of time. I’m sure Belichick saw a guy he wanted to take a closer look at, that guy wasn’t at the combine, Bill had seen all he wanted to from the combine, so he went to go take a look at the guy. Simple as that.

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Lions will take him #3OA. Lock.

The point of the combine is to get an unbiased, neutral look at these players. I don’t put much stock into the workouts, especially those of the QB, WR or CB. I want to get their numbers though, everything changes when you’re on your own campus with your own trainers taking height/weight/vert/speed times. The workouts are useful to me for the big men, it’s easier to see how athletic they are and how their feet look vs game tape.