Birkett: Brad Holmes sticks to plan as Lions bolster roster on Day 1 of free agency


I know many of us covet certain free agents every year.
Bu we can’t be mad at Holmes for doing what he said he would do.
Holmes is a Marshalls and TJ Max shopper.
He is not a Neiman Marcus or Saks 5th Avenue type of guy.
He has never set the market for a free agent or made big splashy moves.
This will create steady, sustained success that we have all craved for decades.
Holmes is building an organization that functions like the Ravens, Steelers, Cowboys, Packers, Chiefs.
Theses teams draft well and make measured free agent signings that maintain long term stability.
The downside of this approach is by focusing so much on maintaining good you don’t take the opportunity to risks to win a Super Bowl. You never go All In.
The Cowboys, Steelers, and Packers have been consistently good but have not won a Super Bowl (or even been to one) in a long time. Even the Ravens with Lamar have not been able to get over the hump, last making a Supper Bowl 11 years ago.
KC would probably be in the same boat if they didn’t have one of the best QB’s in NFL history.
I am willing to be patient with Holmes approach. Especially since the Lions have not had a period of sustained success in my lifetime. It feels good to be a contender and actually a relevant franchise.
…But at some point Holmes needs to win a super bowl for this franchise.

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