Bob Quinn's 2020 Offseason

Being 2019 was a complete turn in the wrong direction for him, is it possible BQ puts all his eggs in the basket this offseason and spends just about every cent we have?

I thought about this after a coworker of mine said he wouldn’t be surprised if Quinn begins dealing the future to bring in top end talent in the draft. Which, to be honest I can’t quite get on board with considering Staffords age/health.

At first, I completely trashed his idea, then wondered if it was really all that absurd since he may have nothing to lose with his job more than likely being on the line next season.
Unless of course Martha steps in, I don’t see this being too far fetched… or is it?

Someone clear my head and make sense of this for me.

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I don’t think they are trading future picks but ALLLL the cap space is getting spent.

Van Noy in PFFs top 25 pass rushers this year


Van Noy had always been utilized as a true 3-4 outside linebacker in the Patriots defense that dropped into coverage more than they rushed the passer prior to this season. (Gee I wonder whose scheme this was) That’s all changed in 2019, though, as he’s rushed the passer 224 times already and dropped into coverage on only 50 snaps. Van Noy is rewarding the Patriots with a career year, as he already has 33 pressures on the season…”


If Quinn and Patricia aren’t fired at the end of the season, like is warranted, I think this scenario is likely.

They will bankrupt the future to win at all cost for 1 year. Peeking at the free agent market, I simply do not see enough game changers to get us any further than our typical wildcard road playoff game (as a ceiling).

Not to mention, if we go crazy and blow all of the cap on free agents, we will have to cut that amount of players from our current roster. So, look at it that way as well.

We NEED to replace Wagner, add a legit RB, replace or resign Amendola, QB2 at bare minimum with the offense.

On defense we need to add a DE, a DT, a MLB a S and probably 2 CBs (because I don’t see Slay playing here next year). That’s an awful lot to fill AND upgrade with the cap room we have.

Will we be better next year going all in? Probably. I think my dog could spend and draft chalk and improve from this year. Will we be better for more than 1 year going that route? Doubtful.

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Yeah, I guess. It ain’t my money, and besides I ain’t getting any younger. Hopefully the guys they sign will be worth the money this time.

Totally agree w/this. I still think we may/may not have QB2 on the roster, but aside from this…It’s a yes, a yes, and a yes, for me as well.

You guys know me, I’m all about beefing up the DL. I do recognize that better informed football minds than my own are on board with beefing up the secondary. My personal belief, is that DL will improve secondary enough to where they may actually even be good (with exception of Melvin). I like Replacing CB2, and possibly Slay, if he leaves. We have some guys on the roster who haven’t hit their ceiling, IMO too. Still TBD as to if they work out or not.

Honestly, the biggest upgrade we could make on our team is Defensie Coordinator…daaaaaamn it’s bad out there.

I think Kenard is too one-dimensional, for what they’re asking him to do, and Jones is subpar talent. I still think Davis could work out on the outside, if they let Tavai replace him. I feel like that could be a similar upgrade as what we experienced on O, when we moved Ragnorock to C.

Fingers crossed. I’m tired of rebuilds that don’t work.

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Stafford is 31. Everyone talks about him like he is in his 40’s

As long as they were fair trades, I am good putting a winner on the field next year. Trubisky will still be leading the Bears. Rodgers will be a year older.


He’s got a lot of mileage on those tires. He was only 21 when he was named starter. The average lifespan for a starting QB is 4.5 years. Stafford has played 11 already. And he’s probably not absolutely obsessed with fitness like Tim Brady

The body can only take so much abuse


He may not be as obsessed with fitness as Brady, but he has gotten in better shape every year he has been in the league. Barring this back injury being a big thing. I think he plays close to, or into his 40’s.


I think its funny that we are actually debating if Stafford will last until his 40s because most of us realize that being able to compete in his 30s probably isn’t in the cards. He has damn near ALL of his 30s left to play, and we are already talking about his 40s.


Stafford is in his prime and that is the way the team should look at it. When a HC and GM are in a contract type year to keep their jobs I suspect they will open the checkbook for what they want. I don’t think that would include trading away any future picks. If the Lions have an offseason like this they are good to go:


  1. DT Brown
  2. LB Harrison
  3. RB Hubbard

FA - DE, CB, LB - proven vets to plug in

Guys we may lose will be re-signed or replaced.

He will be the Randy Couture of the NFL - whipping up on people younger than his kids, while his grandchildren sit in the stands and watch!

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Barring injury forced retirement I would imagine he has 7-8 years left if he wanted it. If you’re looking at his contemporaries and how they are playing at a high level at 38-40.

To the overall theme of the thread. I don’t think they splurge every dime this offseason to save their jobs. I don’t like all the moves the front office has made but they have always seemed to be methodical and calculated. Before last offseason the goal seemed to be adding good depth. Last offseason they added a few “difference makers”. I have always maintained that this coming offseason would seem like the offseason where they might go get a few more playmakers that take them over the hump. So they might make some splashes but I would be shocked if they broke the bank given how they worked so hard to get cap space and build this team the way they wanted to…again…I don’t think they are desperate. I do believe next offseason is a make or break year for them but I wouldn’t be surprised if they are okay w the building portion of the process…the results portion has been disappointing to be sure.


If we keep Patricia we still need all the cap and more to get anyone to sign here. Not one single former player had had ANYTHING good to say. Players watch this

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Scott “The Gator” Anderson had a good take on 97.1 The Ticket today, I thought.

Bring Quinn in for an exit interview, and ask him first question, “What are your thoughts on Matt Patricia?”

If Quinn even begins an answer on retaining him; push the ejector seat button.


Pat Kirwan says that is what happened to Pete Carroll when he got fired. They wanted to retain him but during his exit interview he stood firm behind his coaching staff…so they threw him out with the rest of them.

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Mike Mularkey won a playoff game in Tennessee and was faced with the same thing.

I think they even reported an extension and he changed his mind because he wouldn’t fire his staff.

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I’ve said it before and I will say it again now …Martha has spent money , Martha has hired many high price white collar people , Coaches , GM’s & Players …The same folk here that want the entire regime gone now think Martha who has not made the bonus money the playoffs bring the last 3 years is going to go above and beyond and spend big when she does not have to …?
She spent big in FA’ to only get worse…?

She is & the Lions organization is in compliance with what needs to be spent for the second half of the current CBA, she does not have to spend a penny over bare minimum to stay compliant and could pocket and not spend like $40 to $60 Million dollars and start fresh with the new CBA …This is the right move for Business …will she go that route ? I do not know, but we left a ton of space on the table this year because we could I have no reason to think she is going all in based on what was done this past season .
Further complicating the matter is that a lot of space for all teams next year will have to go towards players cut this off season …This no CBA thing past 2020 makes it so no Post June 1st scenarios can happen no deferring money into the next year because it does not exist. So you can not spread out the hurt over two capped years and must absorb it all in 2020 that goes for trades with post 6/1 designation as well , no Not likely to be earned incentives next season that allowed teams to push incentives earned into the next year…in 2020 if a player has an in season incentive bonus like 15 sacks and it’s $1million …the second that player gets 15 sacks the money hits the cap in the same year …immediately. …Many quirks this coming season if the New CBA is not done before March and many think it wont be . Another one is the franchise player and transition player tag can both be used which I think will ■■■■ Amari Cooper and Dak .

Quinn needs a boss who really knows NFL football.The Ford family is clueless and Rod Wood is just a numbers guy----businessman. It’s about time they hired a real team president. I’d fire them both but it looks like they will get one more year.

That’s the way it works in a lot of NHL organizations. Quinn has nobody doing oversight on his work and the fucker should be forced to hold pressers at least once a month. He only sticks his head out of his bunker twice a year. The team owner doesn’t at all.

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Do we know this for a fact or just an assumption based on results of the team since WCF Jr. died?