Brad Holmes addresses those critical of team’s approach in free agency


I realize not everyone will, but I actually like this quote from BH. It’s a little reassuring to me that he isn’t Ted Thompson 2.0.

"“I totally understand, from especially our fans’ perspective, that you say, ‘Look man, 3-win team, why are you bringing back the same players?’ But as much work as we put into the production that those players had in our system, and then having that continuity with the coaching staff coming back as well, there’s a lot of optimism for that. And again, it’s still being aggressive. It’s just that it’s not always saying that you’re not being aggressive if you’re not going the external route.”


Not very encouraging is it. So he expects the lber, and S to suddenly be good with the same players or worse. We’ve signed 3 lbers, where’s the upgrade?

S, nothing, so Harris or a rook and no depth added. There were some good upgrades to be had and not break the bank.

Not saying he’s Patricia, but certainly do recall pointing out weaknesses a yr ahead of Quinntricia trying to do anything about it.

LBer and S are OBVIOUS, and I find it very hard to be on board with the lack of quality starters brought in.

Hard to run a 3-4 base, well at least a good one, when your lbers would all be backups on another team, yet you only bring in backups.


The roster will not be completed until the end of August

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I find the candor refreshing. I understand his point. I also understand that they seem to have zero pressure from above to win this year.

So I will watch and see just how much improvement these gems show as this is a marathon rebuild (5 year) and probably needed to be. But another 3 win season and that will get ugly fast.

Yep like every yr


Anyone who get it, sees it. We will play better and win more games…

And, go watch read the article about DJ Chark as the X slot …BH is giving him some strong props…


It makes sense. It’s his gamble and he is smart enough to know that if they suck again this year he will take the heat for it.

If they only win 6 games this year I’ll bet this philosophy changes drastically next offseason.


I’m dumbfounded by the strategy and it’s not particularly hard to understand why. This roster essentially stayed the same. With this exact roster the team was the 2nd worst team team in the NFL. Expecting the team to suddenly get measurably better with nothing changing is a bit strange to me. Sure, Chark could be what Tyrell Williams was supposed to be last year, and heck maybe some guys like St Brown have a breakout year.

So great, they’re a 5 win team instead of a 3 win team. Good job?


Exactly, not 1 person thinks lber or S has improved with regards to starting talent.

It’s not like we couldn’t improved there either

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I am feeling pretty good about not overpaying players. I believe we will add 4 starters via the draft this year and the same next year. If you included Chark that’s 9 starters over the next 2 years not including last years draft class. (assuming they add no starters next year VIA FA)

That’s enough change to have a significant impact. If we go 6-7 wins this year and 9-10 the following it would be hard to complain about the product on the field.

Until we are done spending from the trade of Stafford, I am willing to show some patience as long as there is steady improvement.


Is there precedent for a team adding 4 starters via the draft for 3 consecutive years? That feels awfully optimistic to me personally


The harder part would have been doing it last year. This year and next year they have 2 firsts so that drastically increases the probability. We should get starters out of our 4 firsts and our 2 seconds (6) so that would mean hitting on any 1 other pick during those years.

Remember when all the narrative was that we were gonna make a big splash in Free Agency, especially at WR…

And now Holmes says “we gonna roll with guys we had last year that got 3 wins plus one decent upgrade at receiver and everyone is nodding their head and saying how great Holmes and Campbell are

Holmes and Campbell could fish a turd out of the toilet with a stick and say it is a beef kabob and people here would praise their culinary skill


I mean we do have 5 picks in the top 100, including 3 in the top 34. That should be able to add some talent. If not, we have bombed the draft. I think we will win 7 or 8 games.

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No, I don’t remember that. I know some fans were calling for it, however I believe just as many were advocating for building through the draft and responsible spending. Those 2 competing ideas of how to approach the rebuild have lead to many spirited debates over the past few months.

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You need to re-read this thread then

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I’m not surprised by the strategy. The Lions are playing the long game instead of looking for quick fixes on a team that isn’t a free agent splash or two away. A lot of their improvement will be from internal growth then we’ll likely see more money spent when they are a few pieces away. They aren’t there currently.

Here’s the reality. The Lions are likely to be bad again next season. I think some people were expecting some kind of wild card push because of the close losses this season and that’s just way too ambitious and its leading to disappointment that they didn’t spend big in free agency.

The timeline as I saw it when these guys were hired to long, long term deals was a bottoming out first year, roughly double the wins in Year 2 (5-7 wins) then playoffs in Year 3 and nothing has changed my mind on that timeline a year later. This is going to be a slow build guys, I don’t think anything more than that was promised. It doesn’t mean you have to like it but it’s the reality of the situation.


That narrative is not what Holmes said. It also doesn’t preclude upgrades with 25_26 yr old S and lbers on the cheap that were upgrades. Which is what Holmes said as well as to longer term deals this yr since we were in much better cap shape this yr

When did Holmes promise a quick fix?

Which cheap external options were big upgrades and by cheap I mean willing to sign with Detroit for cheap?