Brad Holmes At Owners’ Meeting


Stop drooling @BigNatty


Free agency is the time to target needs.
The draft is where you can make mistakes reaching for needs.

Want to get to the point where you are drafting guys that don’t have to start day one, that is where we are at with this roster. Don’t want to draft for needs where you have to bank on them day one, immediate.

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Can’t watch at the moment… what’d he say about Sutton?



Can’t imagine what a woman must be experiencing while watching this handsome MF’r being interviewed & talking about “pushing the pocket”…“Playing hard,” etc.

Total freakout, for sure!

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Sort of a blessing in disguise → we planned on Reader, & that was “plan A”, & thought we’d go after both Davison & Roberston…expecting to get one, along with bringing Mosley back. We ended up getting both Davison & Robertson, so it was a blessing in disguise.

Hahahhaah! The football Gods love Brad Holmes.

Even so, I would have sent Fox out to “have a talk with him,” if it were my organization. Not sure if Sheila is directly involved with those sort of special ops, or if that is Speilman’s department (when it comes to deploying Fox).


Thanks for that, I missed the question when I heard that answer.

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You’re welcome, bro.
The part about deploying Fox was pure speculation…the rest was from Holmes.

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For those who like to read a summary

Lions signed their top 4 FA choices

ORLANDO, Fla. — Detroit Lions general manager Brad Holmes went into free agency looking for help at defensive end, defensive tackle, cornerback and offensive guard, and he got his top targets at all four positions.

Holmes said at the NFL’s annual meeting Tuesday the Lions had “our best free agency of all that we’ve had since we’ve been here,” landing “Plan A” at their four biggest positions of need.

“And the reason why I say that is through our planning and process this year, we have these No. 1 targets, and we literally were able to get every single one of our No. 1 targets that we were out to get,” Holmes said. “It doesn’t always work that way. Sometimes it’s like you might strike out on one, you got to go to Plan B or you got to go to Plan C. No, we actually were able to land Plan A.”

Holmes said the team still hopes to re-sign wide receiver Josh Reynolds.

“He’s one that was part of the original plans,” Holmes said. “Still having dialogue, we’ll just kind of see where that goes. But that’s really the only one that’s still out there that we had originally planned so far.”

“We’re still in contact with J-Rey,” Lions coach Dan Campbell said. "I don’t think it’s a secret what we think about him as far as type of player he is, the unselfishness, the dirty work, the versatility so look, I love J-Rey and that doesn’t mean something won’t get done…


Sure sounds like we want Reynolds back if the price is right.


He said (or maybe it was Dan) at another point that some decisions won’t be rushed and could be addressed after the draft.


I’m assuming we have an offer on the table… but Reynold’s agent trying to see if he can get more cash.


triggered GIF

They are thinking about much better looking dudes with hair …

nodding yes the oc GIF by CraveTV

I checked the analytics sheet → says 0% chance!

Coding Work From Home GIF by Giflytics

Fox is unstoppable…dude is a legit black belt ninja. The blackness of his belt is like the inside of a coffin on a moonless night. :laughing:

I could see us offering a 2 year 8mil deal with some incentives to Reynolds. He probably wants to try and get more money and snaps elsewhere.


Wow, that sounds about right. Guys don’t like taking paycuts unless they have to. The offer you put out there shows respect while only being a small increase over his previous salary.