Brian Branch. Heal up son. We need you

“…Will Harris replaced Branch in the game and was burned on a 44-yard pass to Jayden Reed on the final play of the third quarter, setting up a Packers touchdown…”


We do need him and I don’t see why we had to run him back out there. I will say the Lions do seem patient when a player is injured like Big V or Levi but if there is no structual damage get your ass back out there.


I could see on the replay, after he came back in, that ankle went out on him again just BEFORE he made that last tackle. You can see right where it gives, you can see him react to it, but he still finished the play the best he could. Give the kid a gameball for gutting it out against the team that traded away the chance to draft him. :laughing:


I gotta tell you folks, the way he fell to the turf to begin with… I was just sick. No, I’m not a doctor, but we’ve seen that before and it’s never been good for us. In that moment, I didn’t even care if we won or lost. It was insult to injury on top of the rogering the refs were applying to get GB back in it.


that thing didnt ■■■■■■■ break

so we need an mri to see ligament damage

if it isnt too serious these 10 days are a boon to heal him up

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More testing is always a little worrisome to me.

Mainly because CJGJ came back in the game and then boom….he’s out for most of the year, if not the rest of the year.

Hopefully Branch will be OK. Great win guys!

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I hope they rest this kid. The Lions need him later this season. I know it seems crazy to say - but this rookie might be the most important piece in our secondary


Yes. When his ankle buckled that way it reminded me of when I landed exactly like that and my foot did the exact same thing playing basketball.

I also came back and played…because if I didn’t we were 1 guy short and the run was over everyone’s day was ruined.

My XRay was also negative.

MRI showed broken cartilage across the foot.

Surgey was recommended. I actually healed it and the scar tissue without surgery. They were quite impressed.

That being said, I had a lot of TIME.
Branch doesn’t.

If this is the case, and he has surgery he should be back after the bye.

@Jman, thanks for the info. Sounds like it’s got a good chance of being relatively short term if anything.

For what it is worth, david chao said the second time he went down was likely a calf cramp. He also said that when branch was carted to locker room he got iv and tape. Hopefully he is right, he often is, branch is potentially our most important guy out there on defense not named hutchinson


if all the issue was a severe cramp oh my god will I be happy about that.


I do know that at KC he also had cramping issues.
Fall football can not get here soon enough for Mr. Branch…

I have to say that in todays football with all the money and support staff how are any players getting cramping issues? Seriously, this should be something the training staff can manage.

Will Anderson on Brian Branch and his sisters. :joy:

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Branch looked fine standing behind DC when he was doing his post game speech. So hopefully it’s nothing significant

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Worried about Decker. That was a little soon to come back from a high ankle sprain. He reaggrivated it. Could be something that lingers all year


Branch said in an interview last week that cramps have always been a problem for him. I didn’t think last night was cramps at the time, but I guess he ain’t lying.

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Take this to the bank.
Decker will sit the next 2 games to get back to 100%. For sure he skips Carolina and I would not be shocked if he sits against TB to get that ankle healed.