Bridgewater won't be coaching here, evidently

Congrats to Teddy.


That’s really awesome. Good for him. I’ve always wanted teddy here either as starter or backup for a long time. Sad we only got him at the end with no real time to appreciate him.


Not sure how I forgot, but I’m pretty sure when he announced he was retiring that this job was already lined up for him once he was done.


He talked about it in a December interview:

He plans to coach high school football next season — the head coaching job at his alma matter, Miami Northwestern, is open — and he has no interest (for now) coaching in college or the NFL (“I don’t like the hours”). Instead, he’ll be a regular at his favorite breakfast spot, MLK (My Little Kitchen) in Liberty Square.

Congrats to Teddy!

There was always the trade that never happened where Carolina offered Teddy and their 1st rounder that year. Holmes wanted the 2 future 1sts and Goff instead.

While I am happy for the Lions and Goff and ultimately Teddy, there is always that question of what could have been?

I have the feeling that Johnson would have done well with Teddy. I think he needs an experienced QB and part of the reason he doesn’t want to jump for a new job with a rookie QB.


Very cool! Congratulations, Teddy!

Good for him! Maybe keep an eye on him for a staff position in the future…

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It was good to read how much he likely helped Williams and Hendon.

While I think Goff is a straight shooter on what he wants from his receivers, Teddy seems more the type to take the time to walk someone through why you do everything you do and how to do it. A true coach/mentor in a way that Goff isn’t at this point in his career.


I don’t think we would be where we are now.

We would not have Goff. Perhaps we would have Justin Fields (?) or some other pick from that draft. But no Gibbs, no Jameson, no Iffy, (or some combo of that) and significantly less certainty at the QB spot. I like Teddy, but there is a reason that Goff has been a starter every year in the league and Teddy has bounced around quite a bit…

Plus I don’t think you would be a poster here without Goff’s trade!

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That’s true! I was part of the Goff/Stafford Trade :wink:

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