Browns are reportedly set to interview Ohio State legend for coaching position

I would not be a fan of him leaving Ohio State

How has Hartline not been poached?

Because he doesn’t want to leave. He’s also not good at calling plays, which is a prerequisite for most OC jobs.

He’s just a really good position coach and he’s doing it for his alma mater.

Has he called them before?

I know he was supposed to be the red zone playcaller in 2018 after the Purdue loss, and then I know Ryan Day was also thinking about giving him playcalling duties this past season but didn’t. Then obviously Chip Kelly was hired to be the playcaller with Hartline still on the staff.

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Depending on his longterm goals it isn’t a bad thing for him to gain experience away from OSU, should only make him a better coach.

I’m just not sure how much fun coaching in college is anymore with NIL, transfer rules league changes. No uniformity in rules for NIL and other teams constantly poaching, attempting to anyways, players for not getting enough playing time… So much more to recruiting now, not just HS players, but have to rerecruit your own guys and then recruit from rosters of other CFB teams.

I kind of figured he might get poached for an NFL WR/AHC position

Aw shucks, I was hoping to see John Cooper. :laughing:

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