Here is a guy I would like to put next to McNeil. BY draft time he will be at least a 2nd Rd picks.
next to McNeil…. as an edge player???
Lol why would he be on the edge ?? He’s 345 good griff .
@Tcmouse i thought it said 245?
OP might mean Byron Young from Bama?
Nope I guess I was reading it wrong. Not sure we’re I got 345 just read it wrong . Well shit been mocking him thinking he was 345.
OK…. I think @TouchdownMyPants is correct in that you were looking at the Alabama player named Byron Young…
but accidentally linked the Tennessee player named the same.
Byron Young of Alabama is listed at 6’3” and 293 pounds… so tjat makes sense as a possible interior player.

OK…. I think @TouchdownMyPants is correct in that you were looking at the Alabama player named Byron Young…
but accidentally linked the Tennessee player named the same.Byron Young of Alabama is listed at 6’3” and 293 pounds… so tjat makes sense as a possible interior player.
No I know him too , I swear when I looked at that site it said he was 345 . Either I’m blind or it was a miss print when I looked. And I’ve been checking on him for awhile. Getting old maybe .
Was wondering why some sites had as a edge guy at 345. Well I know the answer to that now.
@Tcmouse did you watch him play any? It would be hard to mistake a 245lb player for a 345lb player even with cataracts lol

did you watch him play any? It would be hard to mistake a 245lb player for a 345lb player even with cataracts lol
No mostly a few draft reports and looking at his stats 7 sacks at 345 was just intriguing. Someone mentioned him here and I checked him out. But for a month I did think he was 345. Should have watched him just didn’t get that far. Been watch Tuli Tuipulotu , Carter Breese and Kancey and a little Ika.
Some of the mock draft site have had weight numbers screwed up so you could have seen it there if you are running mocks.
There are two Byron Youngs. Alabama’s Byron Young is a 290lb DT. The Tennessee version is a late blooming stud of a 250lb edge.
The Alabama version is basically Buggs redux.

The Tennessee version is a late blooming stud of a 250lb edge.
Yeah he took some time off and was a delivery driver or something like that. And because of it he’ll be 25 by draft day. For an edge player that has to be taken into account.
From what I heard he was working at a Dollar General prior to trying out for the JC team.
Yeah I think you’re right.
I think there is likely going to be a badass Edge sitting there when we pick innthe 2nd. Hall, Young, Felix … someone like that.
I agree I find myself gravitating towards edge in the 2nd/3rd. There’s pretty good depth this year. I know it’s not a dire need but I’m fine with that.
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