Campbell is a cartoon

Here’s the context:

On Thursday, Dan Campbell began his press conference during Lions OTAs by wearing a full-size racing helmet after being named the grand marshal of the upcoming Chevrolet Detroit Grand Prix for the NTT IndyCar Series. Campbell, who is entering his first season as Lions head coach, will give the command to start engines for the first race of the Dual in Detroit double-header.

“I know I’m a little muffled, but I figured I would start with this,” Campbell said. “I want to thank the Detroit Grand Prix for allowing me to be grand marshal on June 12 at Belle Isle. As you can see, I’m pretty excited about that. It gives me a chance to go out and see some of our fans who I know will be out there, but then just watch a good race around some good people. I’m pretty excited about it.”


When I saw this video I was initially concerned that he was leaving the Lions to join Daft Punk.

Harder, better, stronger, faster…


Ahhhh - so he was essentially connecting with the fans and embracing the city, while creating some excitement around Detroit sports. What a dickhead. :wink:

Love our coach. I hope this year isn’t too painful, but I do see this thing turning around quickly.


The day valenti gets a job in new York I will help him pack. But no one wants him.

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Better than nickel back


Matt Patricia came in and tried to be Bill Belichick and implement Belichick’s culture. It was a colossal failure. Dan Campbell is coming in and being Dan Campbell and implementing Campbell’s culture. It may or may not work but it’s refreshing to say the least.


Valenti is NOT a Detroit sports fan.
I’m not a Valenti fan.


I agree with those that say if he flops he’ll be considered a clown.
But this 'clown has aligned himself with a lot of very highly respected football people top bottom, from front office to assistant coaches, probably to the waterboy.
When has Valenti seen that here before?
I think I’ll wait to see some results from the field.


Thanks for the context. The first article just makes him sound like he’s wearing a racing helmet for no reason.

It’s really horrible how ‘reporters’ can frame a story a certain way without giving the whole story. Which unfortunately is most news outlets…


Shout out Shock G , D.U. Forever

He probably loves the Lions. But knows he can get a ton more run for being the villain of Detroit sports. I stopped listening to him years ago.


Daft Punk is our base package


The article takes a slice of Valenti’s talk show and adds into SI articles so that they can get more revenue out of a Valenti hot take. They get a nice article on and then probably talk more about it on the sports illustrated pod cast hosted by audacy. audacy Also owns 97.1, so a way to circulate one thing around for multiple opportunities to make revenue.

Big money media here, folks… :wink:

Those tomahawks dinners don’t pay for themselves…


If Campbell wins, everyone will want to be a “clown”.


My sentiments, too. Thing for me - its Lion’s PTSD that makes this a critique. Marinelli’s picks and shovels, Quinn’s baseball bats, Schwartz ripping headsets off and trying to fight Harbaugh – they’re all cute if you win. If you don’t, those things look silly. They have no reason to look silly to us now. They haven’t lost a game yet. Or come out in a first game against the Jets and shat themselves. Or blistered preseason games with putrid potential. Or-
Don’t care if he’s cartoon-color or vanilla. Either way would become glorified if they win. Being a fan and hoping/expecting he steps into the successful version of that caricature - no crime in that.

Add to that Vallenti is a cartoon, too - so it’s the pot calling the kettle black.


What type of influencer does it take to pull that off? Good sign, to say the least.


Just saw this article on Tracy Walker… I don’t think a “clown” coach would get this type of praise. And I love his mentality too. My favorite quote - “Life is 10% what happens to you, 90% how you respond.”

The other - “ And I’m listening to them. I’m bought in, all the way.”

I really hope for the best for this dude.


I like to say that it’s not how you ACT, but how you REACT that tells me the most about you. Its easy to establish a path and when everything is going as planned make me feel great about it. But what happens when things go wrong?

This part was addressed by Duce in a great way when he was asked about what it means to be a former player who is now a coach. He basically said your coaching skills will speak for themselves. The only difference is you will get more instant buy in. But you still have to be a good coach.


Cartoons rock. I’d rather the coach be a cartoon than a horror movie. Or some terrible and boring after school special

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Better be not marinelli , otherwise you might end up wearing helmet the whole press conference