Campbell: Lions 'probably needed' blowout loss

Great take from Dan here. I’m coming down from my end times approach after this game.


The more I hear him say they needed something like this (again), the less I think of him as a coach. I don’t want to hear that bull.


Yep. Was saying this early on in the game thread. Get this beating out of the way now and learn from it.

10 times better now than against an NFC team, and 100 times better than in a playoff game against a similar scheme.

It’s one thing to take positives away and use this loss to motivate you.

But if you need to get your ass beat like that to do it? You have bigger issues than getting your ass beat.


How many more reality checks will this team need? Seattle? Ravens?

Now I get it from coach speak this is what I would say after this game.

My only issue with it is this is the 2nd time we have heard this already this year. If you’re the coach and keep allowing this to happen, you need to fix it ASAP.

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I agree. You guys know I tend to be a positive fan. But we got are asses completely kicked all day.

We shouldn’t need that in year 3. This aint a rebuild anymore.

Still happy to be 5 and 2 though.

We are gonna bounce back I truly belive that.


Playing the Raiders will almost guarantee a bounce back.

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My issue is why do you need to get your ass beat to recenter and refocus? Why do they need to get their ass beat to be motivated?

This team hasn’t accomplished shit. They should have no issues being centered, focused or motivated 7 weeks into a season.


I agree, but it is clear they’re soaking up the national media praise. They did the same thing after the first week. Now it gets louder and they get crushed. Coaches have to squash it. Im really hoping the coaches arent the ones filling the players’ heads with it, as it seemed Glenn was doing after week 1.

I think you’re 100% spot on. This team (and coaches) seem hyper-aware of the media. They don’t shy away from talking about it like a lot of teams/coaches/players do. I can’t help but think that they heard all week how they were the top of the NFC and that it changed how they approached the game - attitude, preparation, mindset, etc.


I think that is bang on…we haven’t grown up in the spotlight so we don’t know how to handle the pressure that comes with the attention.

Big 'ol slice of humble pie. We responded well after the Carolina game last year so I think we will again!

I’d take another stretch of 4 wins in a row


Agreed. It’s nonsense. At least I truly HOPE it is. Playing a very good team on the road in Wk 7 w/a TON to play for and you lack motivation? Course, from Coach’s perspective the obvious alternatives are even worse:

  1. You (coaching staff) didn’t prepare your guys, schematically and/or emotionally to hang w/the Ravens.
  2. The Lions aren’t so good that they can just show up and be competitive, especially against a team wit the Ravens’ particular profile.
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To be fair, he expounded. The writer cut the quote short. Might not change your mind, but let me finish it for you.

“You don’t want these to happen, but when it does, it recenters you, it refocuses you. And that’s all I know. I don’t want it to happen. Nobody wants it to happen,” Campbell said. "Nobody likes to look over there and watch them having a great time because they kicked our ass. Nobody thinks that’s fun, but I know that motivates me for next week, it motivates our team. You’ll do any and everything you can not to have that feeling again. That’s all I mean by that.

I know everybody will be like well how can you say that? How can you say it’s okay to lose? That’s not what I’m saying, alright? It’s here. It happened. It’ll motivate us moving forward and the shame would be if we don’t use this to get better for next week and it bleeds over into the Raiders; that would be the ultimate shame."

To add, I agree that maybe using the word “motivation” in some of these cases is probably not the right word and raises an eyebrow. But what I got from his entire quote was “Hey, they exposed us. We need to get in the room and fix it and we better do it in a hurry because we’ve got a game in 8 days.”


I know some disagree with me about this but IMO Lamar is one of the truly transcendent talents in this league and he was on a serious heater. When you’re on the other end of that combo good luck.

We should have kept it closer than 32 of course but sometimes you just get boat raced.


I really don’t know why he is so quickly dismissed as a passer.

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To add @LineBusy , I agree that maybe using the word “motivation” in some of these cases is probably not the right word and raises an eyebrow. But what I got from his entire quote was “Hey, they exposed us. We need to get in the room and fix it and we better do it in a hurry because we’ve got a game in 8 days.”


He has the 4th youngest roster in the NFL and they have been getting fellated by the media for a month and hadn’t lost since the middle September.

Who’s this coach who’s team never lays an egg

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If the outside noise is getting to us that much then I am worried about the locker room leadership.

I don’t remember any other NFL team having this narrative.

We are a young team though so maybe more susceptible