Cancel culture claims another victim

The lunacy needs to end. Who would want a quality teacher, who is also a committed coach? Society is heading down a very scary path.


Crazy that an American citizen can get fired for supporting the president. What is going on over there?

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Cancel culture… It’s funny bc some people here say, who cares, if it’s not bothering you then let it happen… But then the “if you give mouse a cookie” adage comes into play and real lives start getting affected. That’s why I take such a hard stance on seemingly small things, bc if you allow people chip away at freedoms long enough, then eventually they’ll get to big ticket items.


Lol. Trump is the king of cancellations. Look if you are stupid enough to get on social media and espouse your political and or religious beliefs (right or left) then you kind of open yourself up…and for what? Did he think he was going to change anyone’s mind by posting positively about the most divisive politician in history? You know how many redneck customers I have to deal with as they spout ridiculous and outright false BS? I just smile and keep my mouth shut because I have a family to feed. Perhaps this is a valuable lesson for this jughead and hopefully to others as well

I dunno
It used to be that you could get fired for making silly political points In public
Doesn’t mean you can’t support a party or politician
I’m not sure where the line is anymore
But if he got fired, so too should the other two with the big yaps
That’s not cancel culture, whatever that’s supposed to be
That’s just not holding everyone to the same standard
Have a standard and enforce it equally

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I don’t like Trump but I think it’s ridiculous for him to
be fired for that IMO


He also tweeted this on the same day, since removed. If he had tenure, he could not have been fired without significant union defense (which would have been successful). What they offered him was a way to resign quietly without it being public knowledge so that he could go someplace else without scaring off a potential employer. This is often done for nontenured teachers who serve at the will of the board and can be terminated for any reason. The district probably just decided that a strongly opinionated teacher who was not going to be quiet wasn’t worth adding to the hassle they are already facing, particularly when he was taking a position opposite to the board. With him going to the press, they will have more hassle, but he will also find it more difficult to get another job. Nate doesn’t like politics on this board. School districts don’t like that controversy either.

Liberals do suck. So he’s not wrong, but same as the other side