Chris Jones just signed 1 year deal

Weird how that works,

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He had a 1 year deal already. Is this just more money for this season or this year, plus 1 more!?

I bet he gets something in the contract where they can’t franchise tag him in the future. He wants to hit the open market.

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Guessing he owes us some money. Maybe he’ll be so thankful that he’ll come here next season.

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I hope both he and Kelce have great years, or at least great games when they play CHI, GB and MIN.


Friday morning at KC HQ

“Mr. Veach, Clark Hunt on Line 1”

Picks up phone…

Hey, Clark, uhhh, how are y…

war football GIF

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“Chris Jones still has one year left on his deal with the Chiefs, no new years were added to his contract, but he received multiple incentives to earn considerably more money this season, per sources.” -@AdamSchefter

Will still be a free agent next year! So it doesn’t really seem like KC gave in per say.

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Just in time to play the rest of the North!


Donald Duck Money GIF

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He is sad about the loss

Woody Harrelson Crying GIF


200w (1)

Interesting is that Jones didn’t really make out too well. He basically gave in to the Chiefs. And they can still franchise tag him next year. The holdout really didn’t solve anything. Glad he sat out though! I thought he was holding out for big new contract all he got was a couple incentives.

Based off of his decisions Chris Jones is my favorite non-Lion.

I am definitely glad he sat out. But he did okay for himself, given the circumstances and the fact that he only sat out 1 game and didn’t have to dig in deeper. Tagging Jones isn’t as easy as it sounds. The Chiefs literally have to pay him Aaron Donald money in order to tag him. His franchise tag would be over $32M in 2024 and pushing $40M in 2025.

At 30 years old next year, I’d be tagging him for sure. Tag and trade very possible too. His extended holdout has the chance to gain him 2 million dollars after all the fines. He might need to find a new agent. If he doesn’t meet the incentives he could actually earn less than he was scheduled to earn this year before the holdout

His agent deserves a gift basket from Lions fans.

Every dollar he gets in extra money this year gets multiplied into his tag next year and again in the tag the following year (if that’s what they choose to do). If he makes less money its because he ended up like Aaron Rodgers. His first incentive is just 35% playing time. The next one is 50% playing time.

And again, its game over after this year as far as Chris is concerned. They have to pay him like Aaron Donald going forward or send him to a team that will.

Agreed, which is exactly where it stood before the holdout.

Well he’s probably seeking close to 30m avg on a multi year deal, so for 2 years, likely the two best 2 years he’ll have left that would probably be a wash. Then some sucker team will throw big money at him and they’ll get a 3rd round Comp pick. Not a bad way to go after a couple more rings.

I think Brett Veach is overrated, so I like the way this is setting up. Veach can’t replace Chris Jones. But the only way he can keep Jones is to give him an astronomical amount of money. I love that.

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