Just finishing this, amazing doesn’t do it justice.
One of my favorite Lion player of all time.
Chris been working on his craft!
I thought it was a bit extra. I get what he meant. But it still is a craft. ARSB routes are a thing of beauty. Goff’s accuracy is insane but he sure could work to get a better spiral.
There is a craft to the nfl sport.
I’m with Spielman. Like me, he’d rather hear “improve my game”, or “work on my cuts”, or “toughen my hands”. “Working on your craft” is pussy talk.
I don’t remember the exact verbiage but when asked if he would consider the GM job he said “I know I don’t have what it takes to be a good GM, BUT I know it when I see it. Let me help you find one.”
Great podcast! Absolutely worth the time to listen to it.
His shirt inspired me to make this. I thought I’d drop it on here in case anyone else found it amusing and/or useful. I have printed it and hung it up on my cork board above my desk.
“I will get good coaches to come work with me.” Dan, you were right.
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