Cigar Smoking in Denver

Hey Finnegan, your episode is on Star Trek right now.

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Back out to Denver for a few days and then might go to Red Lodge, Montana. A guy I used to throw out of the bar more than anyone owns a rock shop there, done pretty well too. If I can drive the Beartooth Highway I’m in, but with the recent flooding things are up in the air. Cigars on 6th for Friday is my plan, then maybe again when I get back. If I can’t get to Red Lodge, might be trout fishing Gray’s Reef down from Casper. Man it’s hot just about everywhere right now.

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If you get anywhere close to the Denver tech center, let me know.

$800 to see the Ave’s, (cheapest seats), $37 to see the Banksy exhibit, $15 for a decent Perdomo and about $7 to throw together a travel mug of adult beverage. Brother if I get south I’ll let you know but right now I’m probably staying north. I’ll be here thru the weekend, then headed to Glendo on Monday. Back on Friday unless I run up to Red Lodge. Man this heat is too much.

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Yeah, just taking the train in from the airport you could tell. First time ever being away from my wife and both of my daughters for Fathers Day. Looks like Cigars on 6th and a couple cocktails next door at Don’s so I can properly feel sorry for myself.

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I went up to Fort Collins with my boys for a small concert last night. Stayed the night and drove back this morning. The weather was actually really comfortable. I was surprised.

I went to Cigars on 6th and watched the US Open, decided to stay in Denver for Monday. Might be back on Friday, have a friend who just graduated from a divinity school here and am suppose to make it back in time for a party for her and her husband I think Friday. Pretty sure I’ll need all the karma I can get when the time comes. I’ll be here thru the weekend but outside of going to an Avalanche party I doubt I’ll be going anywhere.