Congrats from the Who Dat Nation

I met many of you in the Superdome and to a person ya’ll were great fans… I love Dan Campbell and watched with great interest last night the unbridled joy of your fan base having waited so long. Not that it matters to you but it was erriely similar to the Saints in 2006 when we finally became winners… Enjoy the ride and know there are many of us in the Who Dat Nation pulling for you


I was always cheering on the Saints ever since you got Brees. Had a soft spot for the underdogs.

And you guys get screwed as bad as we did, provably worse that no call Rams PI in the NFCC cost you a Super Bowl.

A little poetic Justice last night for the Who Dat Nation as we sent them packing for ya


Not gonna lie… Watching those weasels lose was an ADDED benefit… Still enjoyed watch YOUR guys enjoy… What the heck… Go win it all!!!

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Appreciate it.

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