Coping mechanisms

For the die-hards among us, which I assume is pretty much everybody.
For me, it turns out it’s painting projects promised a long time ago. If I time them right, should see me thru to the other side nicely :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Actually, I’m feeling way, way better today than I thought I ever would. And my wife is overjoyed her shit is finally gettin done!


animal house drinking GIF by TV4

al pacino drugs GIF

american psycho hot sex GIF

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Let It Go Art GIF

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I’ve been through this before, though not when we reached such heights.

I needed to minimize my exposure to talking heads who were spewing narratives of collapse and choking. And distractions: I resumed reading a fascinating book The Best Minds by Jonathan Rosen that I had slowed down on in the days before Sunday, and I focused on learning new line dances because I was slacking in that area. And like you not ignoring simple tasks around the house.

All that after doing everything I could during the game to calm myself and keep expectations within the bounds of reality.


Since I’m completely conditioned to losses like this, I tend to just forget about it and think completely about next season.


I still haven’t watched any of them. I watched Dans after game presser. That’s it.


With enough distance, I probably will see The Athletic Football podcast review of the game because they are always been measured, fair and insightful in their reviews. I could probably do that now without getting sucked into a spiral.

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Boy oh boy. More of a Port wood finish guy myself, but that’s pretty stinking nice right there, too.

The port finish, Quinta Ruban for Glenmorangie is fantastic. Also the Norwegian ship I was on had 2 exclusive Glenmorangie varietals, a Bourbon and Sherry finish and the other I forget because all the.blood rushed out of my brain after seeing that

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shocked holy shit GIF

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2010, I turned off a bad game and started flipping through channels. Picked up on a little show called The Walking Dead. Binged the entire first season right then and there.
Wife was working late that day, so when she got home, we binged it again.

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