Could Holmes = Millen

Holmes and Campbell are on par with Millen and Marnelli. The more I watch and look at this Roster the more I think we’re in big trouble.i don’t think Holmes can Identify talent, not even sure he’s able to reconize what are team needs are. I hate his draft and the whole approach he took. His free agents are even worse I know he didn’t have tons of cash, but you would think he could find one player that could actually contribute. Then there is his trades not one of them has really planned out. We threw away picks on Benson , his judgement on WRs is terrible to this point. I thank this is one of the worst offseasons I’ve seen and one worst rosters. Last year’s roster wasn’t good and coaching was terrible. We were better then this.


Millen and Rod won 7 games in a season. We have a ways to go to get there.


Way too early to make a comparison like that. But that’s just my opinion, like your thread. I still say the cupboard was stripped bare and pissed on by the outgoing vermin. Hence why I give a lot of leeway this season.


Benson cost them a 5th round pick.

Lions got a 6th rd pick from Denver in return… for the Lions 7th rounder.

1 pick.

Why is this so hard for people to understand?


Yeah that bare cupboard won 5 games and didn’t look this bad.

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Patricia never won a single game without Stafford.


Good point

But who else but him and Millen would trade a 5th for Benson ? Who cares about the swap of 6&7. You traded a 5 the for a guy that will probably never play in a NFL game again.

Patricia and Quinn brought in Tabour and Tavai to fit the system. LOL
They ran off almost every NFL caliber player we had.
Matt, Golliday, and Jones left last year.

This was gonna be ugly. We’ll replace at least 1/3 of the roster this offseason. You’re watching practice squad players. The guys Holmes drafted are about what they are supposed to be.
Iffy is gonna be a really nice #2.
Levi - completely inconclusive.
McNeil - solid, but has a lot of upside.
Sewell - great pick (we got lucky and he fell, so anyone would have taken him, not necessarily saying it’s a genius move, as it was a no-brainer).
Barnes is gonna be a nice one.

Look at where they were drafted, and what you would expect someone being drafted to do, given their draft status. Barring injuries, I’d say that draft was pretty solid (not amazing). Barnes and Iffy have very high ceilings, IMO. I truthfully have no clue what to think of Levi.

I’m on board with how these cats are doing business.


Which is kind of what you get with 5th round draft picks


I’m not ready to hit the alarm on Holmes yet, even though I can see some concern with his approach so far.

But I’m definitely concerned about Campbell.

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At this stage, you see what you see. I give them a year, you don’t. Cool, just hope your wrong because I ain’t stickin’ around for another rebuild.


Matthew Stafford Laughing GIF by Detroit Lions


Laying it on a little thick
Iffy - could be a nice #2 if he can stay healthy.
Levi - Lol is tabor and Tavi. Might even be worst then both. Especially when you all ready traded for Brockers. Just bad pick and fit.
McNeil - has been avg and serves a purpose. At least.
Barnes is not Stephen Boyd or anything he hasn’t flashed anything but avg.

Sewell might not be even be the best OT in this class. And was just the safest pick. He will probably be the only starter out if this buch maybe McNeil.

I am here for fun. I’m just giving you my opinion. I have no clue what to expect form him. If you think I’m “laying it on thick,” perhaps you should check your ego.
I’m not here to slight you. If you take it that way, that’s your stuff…not mine. I assume you made this post to get people’s opinion and generate discussion. Your opinion is no more or less valid than mine. All hypothetical stuff, until we see it in action.

You wanna be a negative Nancy…or just a Nancy in general, that’s none of my business.

Make no mistake about it, if you are looking for an argument here, you’ll be in an argument with yourself. :wink:

I agree that Brockers is a bad acquisition.
You have a right to your opinion. Please understand that your opinion is an opinion.


Well done, sir!

Many 5th round picks never play in NFL games… and very few ever become solid starters.

To start the 2021 season… only 146 players on opening 53 man rosters were 5th round picks.

Of those 146… it is likely about 1/2 are draft picks in the previous 2 years… and the team just hasn’t given up on them… yet.

At the start of the year… there were 415 players on opening rosters that were UDFA… almost 3 times as many as 5th round picks.

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I can see the parallels. However, let me point out some salient differences.

Millen took over a team oscillating on either side of mediocre and embarked on a complete tear down in his own punch drunk image.

Holmes took over a bad team that had shelled out huge contracts to career underachievers and without Stafford was a 3 win team.

Millen let Johnny Morton walk to spend big money on bringing in Bill Schroeder and Az-Hakim with ample cap room to make those moves.

Once the Stafford decision was made, and they decided to eat most of the bad contracts at once, Holmes walked into WR Dollar Tree to redecorate against Ralph Laurens. That’s about how much cap room he had to work with.

Bottom Line, there’s some ways to go before we can accurately judge. While it seems like history is repeating itself, it’s only on the surface, I hope.


Reading this made me laugh and cringe simultaneously

Without Stafford we were a 0 win team