Could Seahawks trade back?

I’m getting so tired of these draft rumors without any legsbehind them. But its that time of year. I guess the Seahawks, if they want Carter, could gamble on the fact that we won’t pick him due to turdiness and still get him at 7.

If I recall, the Seahawks have a history of trading back. So it could happen.

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They do and as they got equal to better production out of Geno for much less than Wilson, they probably feel they need more contributors everywhere else.

It sure is that time of year, I turned on Path to the Draft on nfl network yesterday, I really couldn’t watch more than 10 mins before i had to give up, just ridiculous player comparisons and mocks. Hurry up draft!!

**[quote=“JerseyJungle, post:1, topic:22755, full:true”]
I’m getting so tired of these draft rumors without any legsbehind them. But its that time of year. I guess the Seahawks, if they want Carter, could gamble on the fact that we won’t pick him due to turdiness and still get him at 7.

I don’t understand how some of you get so worked up over this stuff. As you said its that time of year. You are gonna hear all sorts of stuff and to be honest, regardless of the time of year, you are gonna hear all types of shit because the NFL no longer has an off-season.

worked up?
don’t know how that came across.
we’re saying that we’re so over it.

the first couple weeks of free agency were good. combines/pro days were keeping us interested for awhile. the ncaa tournament was a welcome distraction. but now, its just one mock after another…

When I say “worked up” I was speaking in general and not necessarily directed it all at you. I just so happen to quote you so I can see why you would think that. I do apologize Jersey!

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no need! but thanks.
Just get me Jack Campbell in the second round and I’ll consider our draft an A+.

But back to the Seahawks - ther draft ammo looks just like ours, except they held onto their fourth. They have two firsts, two seconds, and two fifths.

John Schneider looks like he has been working his Amish look… :laughing::sunglasses::smirk:

Reminds me of a hilarious commercial for Slim Jims…

Na, too scraggly for amish beard. More like a wanna be amish and failing miserably horrible beard…

Coming from someone who’s nickname for ten years was amish boy…back in my 40s Can’t grow any hair on the top of my head but beards, no problem, give me two days.

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I work with a guy who is a total jokester.
He said he was at UofM and wrote a paper about something related to the Amish population health, and his professor questioned him in regards to not joking about Amish people.

Little the professor know, this guy grew up in a rural town with Amish around, and was actually writing a serious paper.
He was like… “this is the one time I was really being swrious about something!!”. :laughing::laughing::laughing:

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