Current NFL announcers...good and bad

No doubt, like most marketing techniques. BTW, I’m not a fat, white 54 yr old DUDE. Is there such a creature? :upside_down_face:

When Johnny Kane replaces Blaha on telecasts, he tries to make every play & game like it’s game 7 of the finals. Relax and slow down, Johnny.

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Disappear Homer Simpson GIF

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Yeah, i was talking about me…but I’m not the only one is what I was thinking


No, sir. You most certainly are not the only one. :slight_smile:

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I’m not fat, but older than 54!

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:rofl: :rofl:

I thought I heard on one of his broadcasts he is from Detroit too. He is my personal favorite at the moment.

I like any color guy that shows geniune passion for the game and is able to convey his expertise to the audience. I’m not too picky. I actually liked the guy they got rid of on MNF that was beside himself when Trey Flowers kept getting called for hands to the face vs the Pack. Booger something


Booger McFarland. Stand-up dude.

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There are solutions to this.

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Can’t believe nobody mentioned Mike Tirico. He’s as good as it gets. He is also the most versatile broadcaster in sports. He can do any Olympic event and any major pro sport. He’s classy and has a great voice. Cant wait for him to get a full time gig doing nfl games when Al Michaels retires or goes to soothe network


He is by far the best I’ve seen announcing at knowing what the next play is going to be.

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NFL fans are predominantly white and over 35+.

IDGAF about age or race. We need more handsome bald guys

Digging Talib and I’ve always liked Wilbon

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I prefer skinny bald women, myself.

LOL. Extremely rare that people understand the plight of the handsome man in America these days. Every faction of society tries to oppress us!

Screw the man!

So, what do y’all think about female game callers? I try like hell to like the few there are(are there more than a couple),BUT even though I try, I just can’t get into it. I almost feel guilty. I mean there are guys that do a much worse job. Some guys I have to keep my thumb on the mute button. Is it just me?

Really good question. But I think for me it comes down to knowledge and insights for a color commentator, and voice tone, inflection, and just the right degree of excitement for a play by play person. So to me, the best color commentators are former players/coaches (Madden, Romo, etc). It would be tough for a female to have that inside knowledge. I think the right female could be a good play-by-play person, but there has to be synergy with the color commentator too. Personally Beth Mowins does not do it for me.

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I’ve got passion and authenticity leading the way. If someone read a bunch of stuff and memorized it to regurgitate…none for me, thanks.

Knowledge matters a ton. My Rachel is one of my fav humans to talk football with, and I’d like her as a commentator…but she’s real…she’s not reading. She is fun, authentic, passionate, smart, and knowledgable.

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I’ve not heard one yet that I like. I can’t see any reason why there couldn’t be good female play-by-play announcers, but I just haven’t heard one in football yet.

Perhaps I’m a dinosaur for even acknowledging that gender is a thing, but along similar lines, it bugs the piss out of me how many college volleyball programs have men for head coaches. I can’t understand how that can be in a sport utterly dominated by women (in the US, at least).