Current top 7 seeds control their own destiny this week

All seven NFC teams that currently hold a playoff seed control their own destiny.

Meaning if these teams (individually speaking not collectively) win thier reaming regular season games, they will ultimately clinch….

Only the Saints I’m the south can also do this for the division title only… I think.

Flip side is in the North, the packers and vikes, have no control over elimination from the two top seeds now.

We want the vikes and packers to lose, so this happening actually would keep the 7th seed alive for the bears even if the bears lose…

Fun stuff to play with vs only talking draft!’

Good times


I’m genuinely not trying to be an ass…but isn’t this how it generally always works at this time of year? Win games and you make the playoffs? Or am I missing something else?

Lol, the “why” behind looking at this stuff, even if it’s obvious!

I mentioned it in my post; we can finally focus on this stuff vs that historical fact we used to be talking draft only at week 15! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::pray::rage::crazy_face::boom::heart::scream:

To specifically answer your question, there could be a scenario that a team currently in 8th place could control their own destiny, while a 7th seed couldn’t, based on tiebreakers (like if 8th wins out, they would win the divisional record against 7th). However, the 7 teams currently in the playoffs do not have that issue.


What’s a reaming game?

Is it like UFC?

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Ok, that’s what I was missing! Thanks for clarifying!


You guys are awesome!

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