Cut RB Devin Ozigbo and signed LB Trevor Nowaske to the 53-man roster

I bet Nowaski takes Barnes spot on the roster.

We need to sell more Jerseys to the Polish people.

You know what offends Poles?
Spelling their names wrong, and singling them out.:rofl:

I’m guessing a team may have tried to poach him.


Me too
He’s got TOP notch measurables.
Go figure.

You are trying to set CAP off …

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If i was guessing I think a team tried to poach him off the PS an Lions that’s not happening. He has what you want in a LB size an speed an likes the contact.

checkmate260… Saw your comment after posted mine I agree with you.


Great minds do think alike, and have a head full of beautiful hair. :yum:

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