Dahl, Ford, and Scarbrough are back, Coleman isn't

They are practicing with the team but are still on the IR and can return to active status at any time over the next 21 days. We’ll see what happens, but with Q&P on the hottest seats in football, this team has to win now or it’s over for them. My guess would be by the end of October.

I doubt they are in a hurry to bring Bo or Ford back.

Dahl and Coleman will probably be back at the earliest chance.

In Bo’s case IMHO there’s no hurry. I don’t think Kerryon is getting it done and they might let him go in favor of a tackle-busting true power back. Problem is, neither guy is dependable when it comes to staying healthy.

Dahl kinda presents the Lions with a problem. If he’s good to go and goes in at LG, then JJ moves back to RG, right? Which leaves Big V and Crosby duking it out to start at RT. Do they rotate those guys at times like they did last year with Glasgow and Wiggins? If Big V doesn’t start then it looks like the Lions gave up a ton of money to a sub; but if he plays over Crosby and gives up some sacks on Stafford then it could cost the Lions some Ws. And some jobs.

Either way, the next 2 weeks are crucial for Q&P. IMHO, they need 2 Ws against weak teams or they could be gone by November. As far as Ford goes, wasn’t he a pretty good ST player? Not so good on D though, if they bring him back then who leaves? Interesting times.

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