Dam,, Kinda anticlimatic

I didn’t realize they had it till the kneel down


Oh, don’t worry. I climaxed.


I’m not sure my heart could have taken anymore


Those 2 time-outs that McVay used came back to bite them. The on-air story was we won for the first time in 3 decades, but the normal football stories are we got away with a PI and McVay lost due to poor clock management earlier in the half.


he has a history of that going back to when Goff was there…


Defense in the Red zone!!!

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Haha told my dad that was a unexpected finish.


It is called GRIT

Grinding out wins


Well yeah. He’s your dad. You’re honest with him.

[quote=“LineBusy, post:4, topic:31028, full:true”]
Those 2 time-outs that McVay used came back to bite them. The on-air story was we won for the first time in 3 decades, but the normal football stories are we got away with a PI and McVay lost due to poor clock management earlier in the half.
[/quote]The Refs stole a possession by calling the lions offside and it was the defense and they were moving the ball at will.

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It’s just funny that we have a bread-and-butter play like that that we can dial up to seal a victory. Cools stuff.


I would have preferred a 59-56 shoot out win but the Lions showed they are ready to win whenever, however.

1 measly point? Don’t matter.


It’s less funny than the fact that we go away from it with such frequency.

But what do I know? :man_shrugging:

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No shit. I don’t think I’ve ever been so emotionally invested in any game before.


Me too, and somehow my own butthole hurts, dafuq? :thinking:

But you know what… I don’t give a fk after all the calls against us in the past we earned it

True. They did a good job of showing that and then moving on. In the end, the refs did just enough to avoid being a factor in the outcome.

For as edge-of-your-seat as that game was from start to finish, you just didn’t really grasp in that moment that the 1st down play was game. I knew they had 1 more timeout and thought we still had work to do.

I’m honest with you too baby cakes :kissing_heart:

I have zero issues with that not being called, just saying that if our 32-year drought didn’t overshadow it, another announcer crew might dwell on it.

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Ok I’ll be moving along quickly now