Dan Campbell and Taylor Swift

This picture was found on Ford Field Facebook page


When can we expect the breakup song?


I will be at Ford Field tomorrow night with my wife, ensuring that I will get many return trips to Ford Field in the near future.


Im pretty sure that is Kirk Hammett… lol

Besides Swift isnt 50…

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She had three albums out by 2008, Dan’s last year in Detroit. I don’t know if that is Taylor in that pic, but it’s a very feasible thing time-line wise.

It’s when she sang the national anthem in Detroit at the Thanksgiving game 11/23/06. Same outfit as picture above.

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I found the pic on Ford Field facebook page. I probably should have put that on original post.

After closely examining the photo i double down on that being Kirk Hammett! Dan was smitten obviously


Dang she got old fast.

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I could be Kirk, if he wasn’t dark haired and balding

lol she’s aged better than I have!

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I was 46 when the picture was taken.:grin:


She didn’t realize how close she was standing to greatness


Pretty sure the Lions already broke up with Swift! :wink:


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Taylor Swift is now getting more thread action than Goff this offseason. I’m seriously impressed fellas. Last offseason we averaged 9 Goff threads per day.

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Attendance to her 3 day stay in Detroit was suppose to be 221,000, it’s said she makes $9 million per show. Wonder how much her jersey costs?

We should 100 trade for Tay-Tay

What position would she play!? Dare I ask. :wink:

Whatever the hell she wants