Dan's A List

Because he plays in Detroit. It’s the same reason that the narrative around Stafford has suddenly changed to “Matthew was always an amazing QB in Detroit but the Lions sucked” nationally, when for years the national media called Stafford mediocre and one of the reasons that Detroit couldn’t get over the hump.

QBs in Detroit just don’t get recognized nationally.

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Steve Austin What GIF No Goff


To back my prior point up a little more, there are three playoff quarterbacks who are not on this list (Goff, Purdy and Stroud).

There are only three playoff quarterbacks who did not have a single scramble over 20 yards this year. Anyone care to guess which three?

Hint, it’s the same three. This isn’t a list of the best quarterbacks left.

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We just beat one of the best QB’s that was in the playoffs. And he played lights out. Of all of Staffords games this had to be one of his best. Yet we beat him. Lamar Jackson is playing at a different level than any other QB in the game right now. But outside of him I give us a pretty decent shot against the rest.

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Dan really believed him…… :laughing::laughing::laughing:

I don’t know about that. He never defined what dangerous meant.

I know that Stephan A & company gave him a ton of shit for Baker being on the list, but they also said Stroud should be on the list over Baker.

No mention of Goff at all.

I just have a hard time taking the list seriously if it means best qbs. That goes back to my first post, if you define dangerous by ability to improvise, scrambling to extend plays, etc, then the list kind of makes sense.

Stroud I think is interesting, because while I know he’s had a good year I haven’t seen him play much. But he’s only had 39 carries on the year, and his longest was 16, so while I don’t know how much he may be extending plays in the backfield, he’s definitely not running for much.

But if you’re going to put a list like this out, I think he should really have defined what he meant by dangerous, because I don’t think many people in the world think Mayfied is the fourth best qb left in the playoffs.

Good! Very good!
Jared is loved in Detroit. He knows it. That’s all that matters.

Goff Danger Rankings-NFL

1st downs-1st
20+ yd completions-2nd
F’s given about stats just wants rings-1st


You can say what you want about Goff, but that guy doesn’t know shit about stat padding.

A wise man once said not to credit Dan-O with honesty in everything he says. Dan’s takes fall closer to the 80/20 rule. Dan uses 20% hot takes to get a platform for people to hear the other 80% of his stuff.

Recently I have noticed it slipping into more of a 70/30 or worse. Either way, when we hear a great take by Dan-O…there will always be a certain percentage of the time where he doesn’t seem to “get it.” He does.

Agree with this take all the way. Dan-O is a hot NFL analyst right now for several reasons, this being one in that 80% of his content is right on, he is an ex player so he knows what he is talking about unlike 90% of the other guys on these shows, and he rarely uses the shock (hot take) approach.

In this particular instance I see where he is coming from, I believe this is a list of QB’s that given any game could explode and take over the game. With Purdy and Goff you know exactly what you are going to get, no real danger in them exceeding what they do. Doesn’t mean they are not great QB’s, just means their ceiling for any particular game isn’t as high as the others.

I do think Stroud should replace Baker, but that is just me.

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