Day 1 in remodel

Going back in tomorrow to continue taking the concrete tops out. After that is cabinet tear out, painting, floor coverings, mechanical updates… my time frame is totally dependent on people I have never worked with before so, we’ll see.

God bless you for doing that.

I just replaced all the windows and doors on our house.
New siding being installed now.

First time I am not doing the labor portion, thank goodness.
Two more doors to replace and we are done on the exterior.

Kitchen is next year and no f’ing way I am going in the crawl space, it would be the fourth time, to move the plumbing and electrical to the new design.
I do represent a countertop mfr so I can possibly get you mfr’s pricing on a phenolic type countertop.

Look up Panelex/Lamitech. Panelex is exterior facades that I represent but the ownership, Lamitech, also mfrs countertops. I “might” be able to get you mfr/distr pricing.

OK, so I gave them $25k in earnest money so I could work in the house before I closed. Owner comes back for IOWA games so I have to leave the kitchen functional while doing the remodel. I got the concrete top off the main cabinets but left the island as the cook top is there. Had my trim carpenter in this morning, cutting out opening for range and then getting the upper cab set up for microwave. Pantry is having the interior cut out for a 33" counter depth fridge to fit inside.

My buddy Scott working away…

Had to buy a new hammer drill and sawzall, I have given or loaned away all my major tools foolishly thinking I would never need then again.

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Thanks very much for the offer. My plan is to shit can the kitchen in a few years after she decides that it was a ■■■■■■■ mistake to try and save “the look”. Going Formica for the new/old “look”. What I am accomplishing is the layout, so while I will be doing things twice you can’t put a price on not having to argue with my wife. When she finally decides that it is her idea to do the real makeover, I will certainly be contacting you and thanks.

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Moving my front porch furniture today, but left my stand up ashtray. Might sit on the half wall and have a cigar later, nice day here.

2/3 of the main floor painted this week and now the owner is out completely so I finished the demo on the kitchen. Measuring for countertops Monday, electrician was in yesterday adding outlets for the moving of the range, fridge and microwave…starting to see things happen.

You only use epoxy coated in marine applications or applications with high moisture content. Counter tops are not. What it appears they used here is called A706 rebar which a black rebar that is weldable. It’s more expensive than A615 which is what’s usually put in counter tops because it’s good for low stress applications and it is cheap. Often you see carbon fiber, ladder wire or rebar as your primary reinforcement in concrete counter tops. So it’s not uncommon.

But yeah that was clearly an amateur installation.

Your opinions are not facts. Had epoxy coated rebar called out for garages from architects more than once. The rebar used was a #3. The epoxy comment was “tongue in cheek”. Rebar or wire mesh are common but there are no hard and fast rules on what to use. Carbon fiber, not sure why but there you go. This top was laid on top of the original formica, there was no real need for much stabalization as the base was already stable.

Ok …. lol

2 of the companies I own do general contracting. I myself have a general contractors license and currently have 13 full crews under my employ who do this for a living. 3 of those crews specialize in this very thing but ok.

I am a retired general contractor and worked with architects that routinely spec’d out things from the foundation thru the trusses that nobody does in “normal” construction and I have way more experience than you. You want to puff up your chest with this BS resume go ahead, I actually lived it. I was a super for 3 different custom builders as a young man, then was a building inspector for the city of Des Moines before starting my own construction company and also was on the mechanical board for the city of Marion and did their code reviews for years. Just because YOU haven’t experienced it doesn’t mean shit. I would appreciate it if you would never reply to any of my posts as I have no respect for you and can’t block you because you are a mod.

Architects often call out higher standards to increase the price of a project as they get paid a percentage of the overall cost. Now, this isn’t always a bad thing as they called for thicker walls and footings when the industry went from 8’ to 9’ walls for basements. They were ahead of code in most places, so in that respect it wasn’t inflating the cost of the project as much as it was doing it right. They also were ahead of code on rebar, requiring it to be “chaired” vs simply “floated” into the footings. Extra cost but again done right.
Other outside influences on codes are insurance co’s, that were giving premium discounts to home owners who had “hurricane straps” on their outside walls. In today’s world hail damage is way more impactful than it needs to be and insurance co’s are giving better discounts for Class IV shingles that carry a hail warranty. These need to be the standard, esp since the cost isn’t significantly higher. In fact I wouldn’t insure a house with solar panels unless the roof was a class IV because the cost to remove and then re-set the panels is huge.
I’m a firm believer in exceeding code in specific circumstances. I can span my TJI’s, (floor trusses), on 2’ centers according to code, so 2 in a 4’ span. I use 3. Why, because there is too much flex in the floor otherwise and it will have some bounce. I fought for PVC vs cast iron for homes, plumbers were against it for obvious reasons. Ever watch a kid drink a soda? Notice how much is poured down the drain? Guess what happens to cast iron with constant exposure to sugar. Plenty of examples of doing it right vs code and how the industry along with our partners, (Architects and Insurance Industry), work along side each other making homes more resilient and safe.

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New kitchen is in except for floors and painting. Living out of boxes, my wife is living out of the Kendall Jackson box.


Fridge is where the pantry was, stove and microwave went into a space where there was a B33 and W3330, added fillers to bring it down to 30. Removed the fridge and wall oven from the left side and added a bigger top to the island so I could have seating.


Now will have seating for 40 when the dining room furniture shows up.
Kitchen nook 6…
Living Room…
Dining room, getting all new furniture but will seat 6-8
Kitchen island…
IMG_0109 (1)
Card table in Family Room 4…
Family room Bar
Family Room seating couch, 2 chairs and card table…
IMG_0099 (1)
Breezeway bar…


So this where we go for the 2025 draft party!!

I am in baby!!

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Open for business, had a Quatro de Mayo party yesterday with the derby stuck in.


All of that is first floor BTW, no basement but when they built the house they paved the crawl space so it’s not some kind of mud hole. Two bedrooms on the main floor, just painted and with new carpet so far. The main bath and master bath will eventually receive a makeover but for now. The upstairs has 2 bedrooms and a full bath that also will get a future makeover. For now, actually working on outside landscaping. I used to love doing this shit, as I got older I hired more and more of it done. Now, well, I don’t have a pool of people to hire from in this small town so more of it is on me to do shit that I really don’t want to do. There is gratification in seeing it come together but it is tempered.


Dining room is almost done, good thing, 30 of her relatives on the way for Xmas Eve.



@CasanovaJack1 just happened to click this and I am glad I did. What an amazing remodel. Seriously that is so impressive, let alone deal with the surprises you found under the counter. Kudos on your beautiful work. It’s badass.

This shit used to be a labor of love for me, we once moved 7x in 9 years. As BB said, the thrill is gone. Saving my previous residence was great because it was a Sears home and it needed me or someone like me in a hurry. Prior to that I built the last 3 houses we lived in so once we were in there were no maintenance issue’s, it was just sit back and enjoy. I still need all new lighting fixtures and 2 of the 3 baths need serious remodel. I’m in no hurry at this point, and I drive people to doctors appointments about 20 hours a week so I’m not allocating much time for anything other than normal yard work etc. She can’t find the kitchen with a map so I do all the shopping and cooking as well. After 5 I’m also the bartender which still is a labor of love. Merry Christmas to you and thanks for your comment.

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I still enjoy remodels and home improvement projects.

When I was a kid I did my parents kitchen and the ceiling had 3 layers of dry wall. Ended up being a huge tear out but so crazy.

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