Decker is Excited about JG!

Some more camp koolaid! Sip responsibly!


Thatā€™s a far cry from Lomas Brown moving out of the way so that Scott Mitchell gets hurt.


Itā€™s one thing to do that, itā€™s another thing to admit you did it! Lomas has some serious balls.


That is awesome. I actually think Goff may be our QB of the future and I am 100% ok with that. Heā€™s entering the veteran stage of his career and he knows where he excels and also his limitations. Actually reminds me of Stafford circa 2013-14. Or maybe even Stafford around 16-17.

Goff is not Staffordā€¦ but at the same time I think Goff has more intestinal fortitude than Stafford does. My opinion and tell me Iā€™m wrong. But this guy has been through it all. Heā€™s truly developing into a leader and a key part of the team. And heā€™s not a bad QB! I mean does he throw the darts Stafford did and break receivers fingers? No, but he throws a catchable ball and his placement can be spot on.

If Goff can be an above average QB this year I think we can do some damage. I will say I like his personality way more than stafford and his perceived weakness in being a leader. Goff is a way better interview. Goff has to prove himself and he knows it, and in different ways I think he can be equally as good as Stafford


This is also my own completely subjective opinion but I think Goff is actually a better leader than Stafford was at the same age, and will grow to be an equal QB or more successful QB than Stafford.

You heard it here first.


I agree @DetroitStrong. Goff could very easily be the qb of the future. Just gotta do well this year. My 2 cents is Holmes has put the keys to the mustang in his hands and said go get it. If he struggles this year, I donā€™t see how we arenā€™t picking a qb early next springā€¦ā€¦Iā€™d much rather draft more pieces and not a qbā€¦.so cā€™mon Jaredā€¦.


penguin oh no you didnt GIF

They will be coming for you now DS! haha


Hell yeah.


Lol come at me! Stafford, while a great qb, was a very weak leader. He was too much southern comfort and also had a lot of different coaches.

I donā€™t hate Stafford. Heā€™s a great QB! But, it took him time and even in the last years he couldā€™ve spoken out against the Patricia regime and he didnā€™t. There comes a time when being the ā€œgood soldierā€ is actually detrimental. And thatā€™s what he was I think. He just rolled with the punches and never spoke up, until he said he wanted to be traded.

Goff spoke up. Lynn was not helping him and you know DC heard that. Goff has been in command of the offense this off season and helped build it with Ben Johnson. Goff is low key like Stafford but, I see a huge difference in how they speak and address things.

Only my opinionā€¦


Love it!
Thanks for sharing.


I think Stafford got Lionized so to speak after so many heart breaking seasons and defeats. Kinda like what happened to Barry and Calvin too. As you mentioned, many different coaches and coordinators. The best thing to happen to him was getting traded to the Rams, which was a winning culture and a roster loaded with talent, which was the exact opposite of what was happening under Fatty P!

Itā€™s going to be very interesting to see how Goff does this year. Early signs look good. I still think the trade could turn out great for both sides.

Iā€™m only sipping the koolaid just yet.

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Yep exactly. Goff has gotta do it no questions asked. He showed his flashes last year, but he needs to be a consistently dangerous QB, and at the very least not lose games for us.

t the same time, you know who lost games for us? Staffordā€¦ pick 6ā€™sā€¦ offense going dead through 3 quartersā€¦ not winning must win gamesā€¦

Not that Goff did any of that for us but this year he better do a lot more and im sure he knows that. He did have some clutch wins, like the Vikings win, AZ winā€¦ he needs to replicate that for a whole season. Doesnā€™t have to be the best in the league but not be the reason we lose either.

I have faith in the guy and I also think he has a ton of gutsā€¦ and dare I say is much more mature than Stafford was at his age


This is leadership. When your teammates see you putting in the extra work and being inspired by it, thatā€™s leadership.


It could be the koolaid kicking in, but I like where this Ben Johnson/Goff collaboration on the offense is heading. QBā€™s and OCā€™s have got to be on the same page to be successful.


I wonā€™t come at you, but I disagree with this statement.


People shouldnā€™t forget that in 2018 before Kupp and Gurley were lost, Goff led the 12th best scoring offense of all time. And that year put up the best QB Thursday night performance of all time. The kid can sling it if he has the right pieces around him. A game manager doesnā€™t throw five TDs and 460 yards in a prime time game


Lol right on. I mightā€™ve been a bit too opinionated when I wrote thatā€¦ I donā€™t know how he was in the locker room. But where Iā€™m coming from is Goff handles himself much better in interviews than Stafford did as a lion, and I think his composure late in games is at least comparable to Stafford at the same age


Matt Stafford was tough as nails and durable , when he got injured he didnā€™t quit and cry and just ride the injury list, HE had this "nice try sparky but I am not going down attitude and he stood in games , injured throwing hand? he played, fractured bones in his back? he played , to me , I donā€™t know every injury he ever had but he acted like a warrior . I donā€™t know how you say he had less intestinal fortitude than Goff and Matt stood in there and took some nasty hits during his career to, but he got back up with that same ā€˜Iā€™m going to kick your ass attitudeā€™ instead of quitting, riding the bench or taking any easy way out.


Thatā€™s fair, and maybe judging by ā€œintestinal fortitudeā€ as my old hockey coach would say was not accurate. Stafford absolutely did have guts and toughness. I think moreso what Iā€™m referring to is how he handled the team and the front officeā€¦ maybe when he couldā€™ve put his foot down sooner, couldā€™ve demanded better at an earlier stage in his careerā€¦

I dunno, and youā€™re right thatā€™s a very inaccurate statement to make - i stand corrected.

At the same time I do think he couldā€™ve done more. And while he was respected in the locker room I think he was a bit to laissez faire in his approach for most of the time in Detroit. Maybe it was him, maybe it was the lack of good leadership in coaching and the front officeā€¦ but with great talent also comes great responsibility and I felt he fell short of that in his time here. Feel free to disagree and Iā€™m not saying heā€™s bad by any means - heā€™s an amazing QB who has gotten better with age. Similar to how I hope Goff can develop.

At the same time I think he couldā€™ve done more and spoken up more. And maybe he did we just never heard about it

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Nice listen.

Also ā†’ can we please get Dan Gilbertā€™s company off of our friggin practice jerseys?

Where is the line with marketing?